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Energising Development - EnDev

Last checked on:
6 March 2024
Published on:
13 May 2015

Energising Development (EnDev) delivers permanent access to modern energy technologies and services. The programme focuses on households, social institutes, and small to medium-sized enterprises in developing countries. EnDev's projects take place in 20 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

What does EnDev do?

EnDev supports market development for modern energy facilities, especially in rural areas. For example, renewable energy for cooking, lighting and charging mobile phones. Part of the programme involves training and coaching manufacturers and retailers. They learn about cleaner cooking solutions and small solar energy systems. The programme also supports the construction of electricity connections via mini-grids and stimulates the production of biogas for household purposes.

EnDev focuses on supply and demand. On the demand side, the programme creates awareness and supports the introduction of new business models such as PAYGO, consumer loans, and so on. On the supply side, EnDev helps ensure high-quality energy products are available.

Calls for proposals

The EnDev programme has no subsidy component. It publishes specific calls for proposals in the form of results-based financing on the EnDev website.

EnDev is always looking for partners to increase access to modern energy. If you are interested in becoming a partner, contact us.  

EnDev results

By the end of 2022, EnDev had facilitated access to modern energy services and technologies for:

  • 28.7 million people,
  • 31,500 social infrastructures, including schools and health centres, and
  • 89,800 micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

EnDev aims to achieve sustainable access to modern energy for 36 million people by 2025. For Endev outcomes and impacts, visit the EnDev website. On our Development Cooperation Projects database, you can find an overview of EnDev projects.

EnDev in practice

Introducing electric pressure cookers in Kakuma

Most of the 258,000 people living in and around refugee settlement Kakuma Kenya still use traditional cooking methods. These have a negative impact on health, gender equality and the environment. With access to electricity in the settlement through a solar-powered mini-grid system, EnDev saw the opportunity to introduce electric pressure cookers (EPCs) as an alternative to biomass cooking.


Around 4 billion people do not have access to electricity or modern cooking technologies. This has a serious impact on quality of life, income opportunities, the environment, health and education. EnDev focuses on providing access to modern, renewable energy. This helps strengthen socio-economic development and combat climate change. For more information on the EnDev programme, visit the EnDev website

More information

EnDev is a strategic partnership of dedicated donors, partners and individuals. All work together to support social development and economic growth. Together, they provide access to modern, renewable energy in more than 20 countries. Partnership is the driving force behind EnDev's success. Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland work together to accelerate energy access and socio-economic development.

The German Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency coordinate EnDev. The Netherlands Enterprise Agency does this on behalf of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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