Please select one or more of the co-funding topics that have your interest

This list only includes the 50-75% funded topics. The complete work programmes are available on the website of the European Commission.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy provides a list of topics that the Dutch government intends to finance, including the available budgets. This information is available on our Digital Europe information page. This page is regularly updated to reflect the latest information about the priorities of the Ministry Economy Affairs and Climate Policy. 

Topics closing in Q1 of 2024

Topics closing in Q2 of 2024
Topics closing in Q4 of 2024
Other topics for 2024

For example: Green Deal Data space, € 0,7 M total: € 0,4 M organisation A + € 0,3 M organisation B.

If possible, please provide an estimate of the co-funding budget required for the Dutch partners in your consortium
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