Open for application

Connecting Europe Facility - CEF Transport

Last checked on:
24 October 2024
Published on:
29 November 2021

The Connecting Europe Facility for Transport (CEF Transport) is a European Union subsidy scheme. The scheme co-finances and supports investments in the trans-European Network for Transport (TEN-T network). Investments should focus on the completion and modernisation of the TEN-T network. The Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) manages CEF Transport.

CEF Transport Call 2024

CINEA launched the 2024 CEF Transport Call on 24 September 2024. The call closes on 21 January 2025 at 17:00 CET.

Based on the CEF Transport work programme 2021-2027, CINEA launched the 2024 CEF Transport Call on 24 September 2024. The call closes on 21 January 2025 at 17:00 CET.  

The call within the General envelope covers the following priorities:

  • Actions related to smart and interoperable mobility.
  • Actions related to multimodal mobility  i.e. short sea shipping and multimodal passenger hubs.
  • Actions related to safe and secure mobility.

This call does not cover spendings for completing the TEN-T network within the General envelope. 


Submission: project idea form Submission: 80% version application Final submission
1 november 2024 3 december 2024 21 January 2025

There will still be a second and third Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility (AFIF) cut off in 2025 (see below).

Alternative Fuels Infrastructure facility (AFIF)

The objective of the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility (AFIF) call for proposal is to support the deployment of alternative fuel supply infrastructure, contributing to decarbonising transport along the TEN-T network.

With a total budget of €1 billion, the AFIF funds actions by combining CEF grants with financial support from financial institutions. It is implemented through a rolling call for proposals which was launched on 29 February 2024, with three cut-off dates for the submission of proposals until 17 December 2025.

Cutoff dates Submission: project idea form Submission: 80% version application Final submission
1 1 July 2024 27 August 2024 24 September 2024
2 11 April 2025 30 April 2025 11 June 2025
3 17 October 2025 5 November 2025 17 December 2025

How to apply for CEF Transport

Contact the Netherlands Enterprise Agency to submit a project idea form.

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management will take notice of your project idea. If the Ministry approves your idea, you will receive a signed approval form (Member State Agreement) when you have finished part B of the application. Without the Member State Approval, you cannot apply for CEF Transport successfully. 

We will inform you of the ministries' opinion within 10 days after receiving the project idea form. Once you have uploaded your application in the CINEA submission tool, full access must be granted to RVO.

Environmental compliance form

Does your project include on-site (physical) interventions that affect protected nature areas or water organisations (bodies)? If so, you need written statements from the responsible authorities in the Netherlands. In most cases, you will need statements from regional authorities.

Please contact these authorities at the earliest stage possible as it may take some time to process your request.
Please contact us for authorities’ names and addresses at

Financial Approval letter

Applicants for AFIF funding also need a financial approval letter from a financial institution. This can be an Implementing Partner (registered national development bank) or a non-Implementing Partner (usually a regular bank). Look in the documents list of a sub-call for the list of Implementing Partners. In the financial approval letter the financial institution confirms that the project has been subject to a comprehensive risk-based appraisal process and that it is willing to co-finance the project. 

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management
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