Cookies and Anti-spam

Last checked on:
4 October 2023
Published on:
12 November 2018

Netherlands Enterprise Agency uses cookies to collect web statistics. A cookie is a small file which is saved on your computer, so that the next time you visit our website we can serve you better.

No personal data

A cookie consists of a unique number. It does not contain personal data. This means that we cannot use cookies to identify you personally. Similarly we cannot use the cookies to identify you on the websites of third parties.

If you object

If you object to the use of cookies, you can switch them off via the settings in your browser.

Data only used for web statistics

We use the data we collect exclusively for web statistics. This helps us improve our website to meet the needs of our customers. We never pass this data on to third parties.

Which data do we collect?

We collect the following data for the web statistics:

  • the address of your internet provider;
  • the browser you use (for example Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox);
  • the time and duration of your visit;
  • the pages you visited.

How do we store this data?

Our website uses cookies, log files and JavaScript codes to store data. We use the Piwik Pro programme to collect web statistics.

Newsletter data

If you receive our newsletter we register what you do with the newsletter. Do you open and read the newsletter? Do you click on one of the links to our website? This information is used to improve the content of our newsletters.

More information

You can find more information about cookies and switching them off on the webpage All about cookies.

Types of cookies

Placed by Cookie name Explanation What for? Validity
_pk_ab.* Used to enable A/B testing Used by Piwik PRO 2 months
_pk_id.* Contains an ID to identify unique visitors to website Used by Piwik PRO 13 months
_pk_ses.* Session ID by Piwik Used by Piwik PRO 30 minutes
stg_last_interaction Used to identify the session status Gebruikt door Piwik PRO 1 year
stg_returning_visitor Used to track whether a visitor has visited the website before Used by Piwik PRO 1 year
stg_traffic_source_priority Used to track what type of source the visitor comes from Used by Piwik PRO 30 minutes
stg_externalReferrer Used to track where the visitor comes from Used by Piwik PRO Session
stg_utm_campaign Used to track the campaign through which the visitor arrived at the page Used by Piwik PRO Session

To stop unwanted messages (spam), we use Honeypot. Do you submit a form on our website? Then you accept that we examine and store the entered data for anti-spam purposes and quality control.

There is a small chance that we incorrectly mark your message as spam and that it therefore does not reach us. Have you sent an important message? Please check with us if we have received it.

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