Humanitarian aid
Earthquakes, floods and wars affect millions of people. To survive, people need humanitarian and emergency aid. This aid is an immediate source of:

- food,
- clean drinking water,
- protection,
- medicine,
- healthcare,
- psychosocial support, and
- shelter.
Get advice on your humanitarian aid idea
Would you like to help us improve humanitarian aid and disaster risk reduction worldwide? Do you have an idea for a humanitarian aid project? Consult our advisors; they are happy to help you and offer advice.
Funding for humanitarian aid projects
Access to sustainable and modern energy is essential to the social well-being and economic development of people in need. Through innovations based on Dutch knowledge and experience, we provide better, faster and affordable aid. We invite businesses, NGOs, knowledge institutes and other experts to help us make a difference.
Find funding for your humanitarian aid project.
Contributing to the SDGs
Humanitarian aid projects contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals:
- SDG 3: good health and well-being
- SDG 6: clean water and sanitation.
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