Open for application

Develop2Build - D2B

Last checked on:
8 December 2021
Published on:
12 June 2015

Are you involved in the preparation of a tender for a road system in an emerging market? Whether you are preparing a feasibility study, environment impact report or a conceptual design, Develop2Build can help with donations, technological support and capacity issues. With this support, economical growth is being improved in emerging markets.

Develop2Build (D2B) is a Government-to-Government programme. It offers governments in 37 developing countries and emerging markets direct assistance in setting up infrastructural projects. The projects aim to have a positive impact on people, the environment and society. Develop2Build is now closed; you can no longer apply for this subsidy.

Update: As of 1 October 2021, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency has handed over this programme to Invest International.


Good infrastructure is vital to the functioning of any economy and a point of particular concern in developing countries. Good roads make it easier for farmers to get their food to local markets. A working water supply system is crucial for safe drinking water, which leads to higher living standards.

Develop2Build targets the development phase of precisely this type of public infrastructure, thereby improving the local business climate and stimulating private sector development. Develop2Build funds projects in the following sectors:

  • Food security;
  • Water;
  • Climate;
  • Sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Develop2Build projects must have a demonstrably positive effect on society. They must reduce negative effects on the environment by following the highest Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) standards.

Carrying out projects through DRIVE

Develop2Build is part of the follow-up to the now-closed ORIO programme. Once a project has completed the Develop2Build cycle, it can receive continued funding from the programme DRIVE (Development Related Infrastructure Investment Vehicle). This is the other part of the follow-up to ORIO. DRIVE helps with carrying out and operating infrastructural projects.

Through these 2 programmes, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency offers a complete package of support for large public infrastructure projects in developing countries.


Develop2Build is a Government-to-Government programme. Companies cannot apply for this programme. All projects are tendered.

To qualify for a Develop2Build grant, project proposals must meet the following requirements:

  • The infrastructural project must be carried out in one of the countries on the Develop2Build country list.
  • The infrastructural project should make a positive contribution to private sector development.
  • The infrastructural project should bring added value to the market.
  • The infrastructural project should tie in with national or regional policy objectives.
  • The infrastructural project should contribute to an overall positive impact on society, and its economic value should outweigh its costs.
  • The infrastructural project must be socially, economically and financially sustainable.


The development phase of public infrastructure projects often requires additional studies. Develop2Build (D2B) funds these studies for a select number of countries. The business community initiates the studies.

Strategic plan

Every year, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency draws up a strategic plan for Develop2Build. This plan determines the focus for project identification for the coming year. The focus is determined on the basis of the existing project portfolio.

Official publications


The Netherlands Enterprise Agency carries out the Develop2Build programme on behalf of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Develop2Build is part of the Aid, Trade and Investment Agenda of the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation. The programme is aimed at promoting inclusive economic growth in developing countries.



Questions about D2B?

Learn how DRIVE and D2B work. Or contact us via:

E: (on behalf of Invest International)
T: +31(0)88 - 0428600 (Monday through Friday, 08:30 - 17:00)

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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