Open for application

Dutch Trade and Investment Fund - DTIF

Last checked on:
8 August 2023
Published on:
8 September 2016

Do you want to do business abroad? And are you finding it difficult to raise sufficient funds? The Dutch Trade and Investment Fund (DTIF) provides loans, guarantees and export financing. This enables you to take the next step towards realising your international ambitions.

Update: As of 1 October 2021, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency has handed over this programme to Invest International. Visit the Invest International website.

What is the Dutch Trade and Investment Fund (DTIF)

DTIF consists of 3 components: Investment, Imports and Exports. The fund was established in 2016 and replaces the Facility Emerging Markets (FOM) and Finance for International Business (FIB) financing instruments.

International enterprise

DTIF is for Dutch entrepreneurs wanting to do business in foreign markets. It is available for all countries except the developing countries and emerging markets covered by the Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF).

If you want to do business in developing countries or upcoming markets, you can apply to the Dutch Good Growth Fund. See the list of DGGF countries.

The fund was set up by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Invest International acts as administrator of DTIF.

Do you want to invest?

If you want to expand your business by setting up a location in a DTIF country, the DTIF Investment part provides support in the form of loans and guarantees with a repayment obligation.

Find out now

Contact Invest International – the fund administrator for the invest part.

Do you want to import?

If you want to import goods, but you are not able to raise the finance you need, the DTIF import part supports you with prefinance for your local supplier. Under specific conditions, you can receive financing to assist the growth of your local supplier directly.

Find out now

Contact Invest International – the fund administrator for the import part.

Do you want to export?

If you want to export capital goods, the DTIF Export part can provide export insurance and export finance.

Find out now

Contact Atradius Dutch State Business – contact fund administrator Atradius directly for assistance.

DTIF: Coconut husk from waste to compost

Coconut husk: from waste to compost

Business cases

The Van der Knaap Group produces potting soil and compost. In Mexico, the company uses the coconut flesh and water only. The coconut husk is a waste product. But not anymore. Watch how Van der Knaap has transformed the husk into a valuable product: compost.


Decision on adoption of policy rules for DTIF funding (in Dutch, Staatscourant, 31 August 2016)

Questions about DTIF? 

Contact us via:

E: (on behalf of Invest International)
T: +31(0)88 - 0428600 (Monday through Friday, 08:30 - 17:00)

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