Regional Business Developers - RBDs

Last checked on:
29 October 2021
Published on:
16 March 2020

Regional Business Developers (RBDs) support entrepreneurs (small, medium-sized and large enterprises), universities and research institutes in their ambitions to expand internationally in trade, investment or cooperation in international projects.

Where we are based

The RBDs help the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs boost the Dutch business sector's market presence in Latin America, the Gulf States and the Nordics (Scandinavia and the Baltic States). These regions present significant opportunities for expanding Dutch trade and investment.

What we do

The RBDs support entrepreneurs (small, medium-sized and large enterprises), universities and research institutes in their ambitions to expand internationally in the areas of trade, investment or cooperation in international projects.

The RBDs know about opportunities for trade, investment and R&D in the relevant region and have an extensive network in the Netherlands to present these opportunities to the right businesses. They are part of the embassy network in their region.

The RBDs:

  • actively seek out business leads in the 3 regions;
  • match business leads in the 3 regions with interested Dutch businesses and knowledge institutions;
  • identify funding opportunities;
  • offers support for following up business leads via the Netherlands’ economic network abroad.
Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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