Violations of integrity

Last checked on:
5 January 2024
Published on:
29 December 2023

Preventing and tackling violations of integrity is taken extremely seriously at the Netherlands Enterprise Agency. Any kind of integrity violation is unacceptable. Such activities undermine confidence in the government and the organisations it has appointed to oversee compliance with legislation and regulations. For this reason, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency pursues an active policy against the violation of integrity.

If you suspect violations of integrity

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency stimulates Dutch enterprise by providing funding, advice and networks. If you suspect violations of integrity, you can report it to Netherlands Enterprise Agency staff, or external parties such as the police or the Dutch fraud office, the FIOD.

Reporting violations of integrity

An external party can report suspected violations of integrity by using the form on this website. You can do so anonymously. If inquiries reveal that there may be reasonable grounds for investigating the alleged violations, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency will report the allegations to the Dutch Prosecution Office. We will not inform the entrepreneur that an investigation is underway. Nor will those who reported the allegations via the form be informed about the possible results of any investigation. This is to avoid any obstruction to such an investigation.

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