Filing a Complaint

Published on:
11 September 2023

Your complaint is an important signal for us. It provides us with an opportunity to improve our services.

How to submit a complaint

If you have a complaint we advise you to phone us at +31 (0)88 042 42 42 first. We may be able to find an immediate solution to your problem. If you are not satisfied with our response, you may submit a complaint in one of 2 ways:

  • you can submit your complaint digitally, by using our digital complaints form;
  • or in writing and send it by post to the following address:

    Netherlands Enterprise Agency
    Legal Affairs department
    attn. the complaints coordinator for the Netherlands Enterprise Agency
    PO Box 40219
    8004 DE Zwolle, The Netherlands

What is excluded from complaint?

You cannot submit a complaint:

  • if there is a possibility to submit a notice of objection or to appeal to a court;
  • where a special complaints procedure applies, e.g. for complaints regarding tender procedures;
  • regarding our policy and concerning the content of laws, general regulations and rules. Any complaint you have in this regard should be submitted to the Government of the Netherlands.

You have submitted your complaint. What happens next?

We handle your complaint according to the rules laid down in Chapter 9 of the General Administrative Law Act and in accordance with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency Complaints Procedure.

We will contact you by phone within 5 working days of receiving your complaint. We will discuss with you the cause of your complaint and try to resolve it to your satisfaction. If it is established that you have been treated wrongly, we will offer our apologies and work with you to find a solution.

If your complaint cannot be resolved in this way, we will formally activate the complaints procedure and respond to your complaint in writing. If you are not satisfied with our response, you may forward your complaint to the National Ombudsman.

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