
Event guarantee subsidy scheme 2022 - SEG22

Last checked on:
3 January 2023
Published on:
8 March 2022

Did you organise an event from 1 January to 8 March 2022? Was it cancelled because events were not allowed by the Dutch government on the date of your event? Then you can apply for Event Guarantee Subsidy scheme 2022 (SEG22). This subsidy will reimburse part of the costs of your cancelled event.

SEG22 is now closed: you can no longer apply for SEG22. We are processing all the applications. SEG22 was open for application from 5 October 2022 09:00 CEST to 28 December 17:00 CET 2022. 


The event must meet the following conditions:

  • The applicant is one of the organisers of the event.
  • The planned start date of the event was from 1 January to 8 March 2022.
  • The event was planned in a period when events were not allowed by the Dutch government (due to COVID measures).
  • The event was supposed to be held in the Netherlands or the Dutch Caribbean.
  • The event was going to be open to the public (either free or by purchasing a ticket). Private events are not eligible. For example: a wedding, a company celebration and parties in a private space (such as a café).
  • If the event required a permit, the city must have already issued that permit. Or you must have a statement from the city saying that a permit would have been issued in any case.
  • Did you have to register your event within your city? In this case, the confirmation for this had to be made before the original start date of your event. Or you must have a statement from the city saying that your event would have been approved in any case.
  • The event took place in a period of maximum 14 days.
  • The costs eligible for a subsidy must be at least € 2,500.

What costs do we reimburse?

SEG22 will only reimburse variable costs, such as:

  • Payments to subcontractors and suppliers for setting up a stage or tribunes.
  • Technical facilities.
  • Costs of hiring security and entertainers.

What costs do we not reimburse?

You are not eligible for the SEG22 subsidy for structural costs. For example:

  • Costs of renting a building.
  • Wage costs for permanent employees.
  • Structural costs for buildings, cars, etc.
  • Materials for more than only this event.

Be sure to mention any other incomes in connection with the event. These can lower your subsidy amount.

Was your event rescheduled? In this case, you can apply for a subsidy for the costs of rescheduling your event (one time only).

More information

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy
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