The Netherlands Patent Office: patent fees

Last checked on:
12 February 2025
Published on:
23 March 2021

To file a patent application and keep your patent rights, you must pay annual and other fees to the Netherlands Patent Office. On this page, please find an overview of patent-related fees. The fees follow the Dutch Patent Law. All amounts are in euros.

Good to know

  • The patent holder is responsible for paying the annual fees in time.
  • You do not receive invoices for payments of annual fees, deeds, requests, and so on.
  • You do not pay VAT for annual fees, deeds, requests, and so on. As a public authority, we are not subject to VAT.

Filing and search fees

FIling and search fees
Type of fee Amount (Euros)
Filing a patent application online 80
Filing a patent application on paper 120
State of art search national application 100
State of art search international application 794

Annual fees

Annual fees
Year Fee amount (Euros) Fine (Euros)**
1 - 3 0 0
4th year 40 20
5th year 100 50
6th year 160 80
7th year 220 110
8th year 280 140
9th year 340 170
10th year 400 200
11th year 500 250
12th year 600 300
13th year 700 350
14th year 800 400
15th year 900 450
16th year 1,000 500
17th year 1,100 550
18th year 1,200 600
19th year 1,300 650
20th year 1,400 700
21st year * 1,600 800
22nd year 1,800 900
23rd year 2,000 1,000
24th year 2,200 1,100
25th year 2,400 1,200
26th year 1,300 -

*For medicines and crop protection products, a supplementary protection certificate (SPC) can give an extra 5-year protection after the patent has expired. Counted from the 21st year, annual fees are due for SPCs.

**Payment after the due date is possible if you pay within 6 months. But, this will result in a penalty fee of 50% of the annual fee.

Payment of annual fees before or on the expiry date

To maintain your patent rights in the Netherlands, you must pay an annual fee.

  • The first payment is due 3 years after your patent application.
  • The annual fee increases during the life of the patent, please see the table below.
  • For granted patents, you must pay the annual fee before the expiry date, which is the last day of the month in which you filed your patent application. For example, if you applied for a patent on 1 January 2020 and the patent has been  granted, you must pay the first annual fee before 31 January 2023.
  • For a divisional patent, the month you must pay the annual fee in is the month you applied for the original patent.
  • You can pay the annual fee for a patent that we have not yet granted. In this case, please state the date that we will grant the patent when you make your payment.

Other fees

Other fees
Type of fee Amount (Euros)
International application transmittal 50
Filing a translation of a European patent granted for the Netherlands into Dutch 25
Filing a supplementary protection certificate 544
Filing a request for the restoration in the prior state 161
Advisory report on the applicability of the grounds for nullification for a patent 340
Improving or deleting the family name, Christian names and residence of the inventor
 in the application. Such a request comes from the applicant and inventor jointly.
Registration of a deed of assignments 27
Registration of license agreements 27
Registration of changes of the name for a patent or patent application 11
Changing the names of more than 5 patents or patent applications.
Each subsequent patent or patent application
Certified copy of the international application 9
Certified copies of payment notifications 9
Certified extracts form data of the patent register for each patent (application) 9
Priority document 9

Missing your payment date

If you do not pay the annual fee in time, we will add a penalty fee. You need to pay the penalty and annual fee within 6 months after the expiry date of the patent. If you do not pay these fees, your patent will expire permanently. Once your patent has expired, you cannot apply for it again.

In the case of a penalty fee, we will increase the annual fee by 50%. 

Bank account details

Bank address

P.O. Box 1800, 1000 BV Amsterdam

Account details

Account name: RVO Octrooien
Account number: IBAN NL41 INGB 0705 0012 96

Questions about patents?

If you need more information on how to apply for a patent in the Netherlands, please contact the public information office.

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