Temporarily closed for application

Cyber Resilience: Conditions

Last checked on:
14 October 2024
Published on:
23 July 2024

Eligibility for the Cyber Resilience subsidy scheme is subject to several conditions.

Conditions to cyber resilience plan

The cyber resilience plan:

  • focuses on strengthening the cyber resilience of businesses in non-vital sectors in the Netherlands;
  • is executed by, or in collaboration with, at least 2 non-vital businesses that do not form part of the same group;
  • is based on an integral vision of the ambition to sustainably strengthen the cyber resilience of non-vital businesses;
  • has a term of at least one and no more than 3 years.

Please note that the cyber resilience plan should not focus on:

  • developing or purchasing hardware or software to strengthen the cyber resilience of businesses, other than for processing or sharing information for the strengthening of cyber resilience;
  • continuous remote monitoring of the cybersecurity of businesses to prevent, repel, detect or solve attacks on the IT infrastructure;
  • advising businesses affected by a cybersecurity incident about how to solve the incident.

Additional conditions

  • A partnership consists of at most 8 participants and the coordinator must be a business.
  • The subsidy recipient cooperates in evaluating the effects of the activities it has performed.
  • The network is open to new entrants during and after the project.

If you would like to know more about the ranking criteria and grounds for rejection, please consult the Cyber Resilience scheme text (only available in Dutch).

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs
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