
Fund for Responsible Business - FVO

Last checked on:
11 April 2024
Published on:
10 September 2023

Fund for Responsible Business (FVO) Partnerships is closed. You can no longer apply for a subsidy.

FVO provided support in two different ways: 

FVO Partnerships - Pillar 1

FVO Pillar 1 supports partnerships between companies and civil society organisations. FVO aims to set up multi-stakeholder projects to identify and stop RBC risks or misconduct in international value chains.

These companies want to make their value chains more sustainable in one or more producer countries. Also, they focus on one or more of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, such as human rights, employee rights or the environment. The OECD guidelines are RBC standards that apply to entrepreneurs working abroad.

For more information, see FVO Partnerships - Pillar 1.

FVO Partnerships - Pillar 2

For more information, see the Dutch page on FVO Partnerships - Pillar 2.

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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