Open for application

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Humanitarian Emergencies - MHPSS Surge Mechanism

Last checked on:
1 October 2024
Published on:
19 November 2020

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Surge Mechanism (MHPSS) experts are deployed to assist in relief efforts for a few weeks up to several months during or after a humanitarian crisis. MHPSS gives mental health and psychosocial support in armed conflict, refugee crises, and natural disasters. Would you like to assist in relief efforts?

MHPSS Expert pool

We are looking for experts to support interagency coordination on MHPSS in humanitarian crises. Please register if you are considering working as an expert for MHPSS. Expert tasks may include:

  • set up, temporarily run or support (sub-)national MHPSS technical working groups,
  • set up monitoring, evaluation and learning structures,
  • conduct 4Ws mappings (Who is Where, When, doing What),
  • make an MHPSS situational analysis of humanitarian response.

We will base requests for support upon the terms of references of the requesting organisations, where you can find specific requirements for each position. Language skills and knowledge of the local context are an asset. Before departure, experts need to sign the Code of Conduct and complete the following basic online courses provided by the United Nations:

  • BSAFE safety course, and
  • the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA).

Sign up as an MHPSS expert

Are you an expert on MHPSS? Then, sign up as an expert. If you register for the pool of experts, the database will store your CV and contact details. After your registration, you will receive information on our deployments and training courses.

The importance of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Crisis Situations

On the Development Cooperation Projects database, you can find an overview of projects we carry out in development cooperation. You can filter by location, sector and programme, among others.


The Netherlands Enterprise Agency will compensate for the expenses made by the experts. This includes:

  • costs for flights (economy class, without upgrades),
  • required vaccinations,
  • a medical check if the requesting organisation requires one,
  • accommodation (actual costs), and
  • daily allowance for food and other expenses (DSA).

The daily fee is based on working experience, and the United Nations pay grade system. The maximum daily fee of €300 is for work and travel days. As of 1 January 2024, the fees per working day are:

  • Junior: €200;
  • Mid-level: €250;
  • Senior: €300.

MHPSS offers business insurance and psychosocial support before, during and after their deployment through the Antares Foundation.

International Organisations

International humanitarian organisations interested in deploying MHPSS experts can send an email.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs finances MHPSS.

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency carries out the programme in close cooperation with the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Reference Group on MHPSS in Emergency Settings.

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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