
Private Sector Investment Programme - PSI

Last checked on:
11 April 2024
Published on:
29 November 2013

The Private Sector Investment Programme (PSI), formerly known as PSOM, was a subsidy programme supporting innovative investment projects in developing countries.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has decided to end the PSI programme as of 2015. For other financing possibilities, please check the Dutch Good Growth Fund.

The objectives of PSI were to stimulate financial growth, create employment opportunities and generate income. The grant was accessible for (Dutch and non-Dutch) companies to make an innovative pilot investment, in cooperation with a local business partner, in many countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe.


In the past 15 years, many companies have used the PSI subsidy and its forerunners, such as PSOM. The Netherlands Enterprise Agency has supported over 1,000 private investment projects in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe. These projects have contributed significantly to the local economic development and poverty reduction.


An evaluation in 2010 by an independent organisation proved that:

  • 69% of the projects were successful at the end of the project period;
  • An estimated 57% of all projects resulted in a durable business, seeing that they were still existing 7 to 10 years after the project had started;
  • On average, a PSI/PSOM project created 81 jobs (direct employment), and after follow-up investments, even 30% more jobs were created;
  • In general, PSI projects served as a good example to other companies regarding Responsible Business Conduct (RBC). PSI projects offered above-average employment standards, including salary, benefits, and education. Many projects also encouraged the use of standards and certifications in these countries;
  • At the project's end, the partners made follow-up investments 1,22 times the initial subsidy amount.

Financial and project administration

After approval of a PSI proposal, the project partners start implementing the project. An administrative decision defines the results that have to be achieved by the project partners. The partners are obliged to report to the Netherlands Enterprise Agency on the progress.

The PSI contribution is reimbursed in predetermined quarterly instalments (for projects started after 2011). Initially, all payments are advance payments. Advance payments can only be made official upon completion of the project and after verification by RVO. Final grants are determined based on the project results. The Agency usually visits each project at least once a year.

Do you want to know how, what and when exactly you have to report to while implementing your project? Please find instructions and templates to be used when reporting to the Netherlands Enterprise Agency. Please note that the document version to use for your report is determined by your PSI/PSOM project number.

Guides to financial administration

Below you can find the various forms needed to report about a PSI project.

Model forms

Responsible Business Conduct

Projects overview

You can find PSI projects in our Development Cooperation Projects Database. This portal offers an overview of projects that we carry out in the field of development cooperation. You can filter by location, sector and partner organisation, among others.

Official notices

The original Dutch texts of the official notices on PSI can be found on the Dutch PSI page 'Officiële bekendmakingen'.

The PSI Official Notices listed below are translations of the official Dutch notices on PSI (Administrative Rules). Please note that some of the PSI Official Notices have not been translated.





PSI, 10 December 2010 (Government Gazette:No. 19989: only in Dutch)

PSI Publications

Relevant publications and supporting documents for the PSI programme.

Supporting documents

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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