Closed for application

Reimbursement Fixed Costs - TVL periods

Last checked on:
3 August 2022
Published on:
29 June 2020

Is your company registered in the Netherlands? Is it suffering from economic losses as a result of mandatory measures taken by the Dutch government because of COVID-19? For example, the closing of your business, cancelled meetings or negative travel advice? The Dutch government offered companies a reimbursement of up to 550,000 euros to help cover part of their fixed costs. 

Reimbursement Fixed Costs (TVL) is now closed: you can no longer apply for TVL. We are processing all the applications. We have been granting TVL subsidies following previously applied subsidies until 30 June 2022, with one exception for startups in the period from June 7 2022 to August 2 (see below).

For whom?

TVL is for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that:

  • have an office in the Netherlands;
    • with an address other than the owner’s address; or
    • with the same address but physically separate from the private residence with its own entrance.
  • have 250 employees or less; the registration with the Chamber of Commerce must confirm this;
  • were founded before 30 June 2020;
  • have lost more than 30% of their turnover because of the coronavirus crisis.

Reimbursement amount

TVL takes into account the amount of your turnover loss. The higher the loss, the more money you will receive. We base the compensation on:

  • your total turnover loss, and
  • the part of the fixed costs that your company pays with it.

We calculate an average percentage per sector for the fixed costs. The maximum amount we pay is 550,000 euros for the period from 1 October to 31 December 2021. For bigger companies (above 250 employees) it is 600,000 euros.

Find out more about how the subsidy is calculated on our Calculation Reimbursement Fixed Costs page.

Reimbursement Fixed Costs (TVL) for startups

Did you start a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) in the period from 1 July 2020 to 30 September 2021? And was your revenue lower than expected due to the corona measures in the fourth quarter of 2021 or in the first quarter of 2022? In that case you could apply for the TVL Startup regulation.

The Q4 2021 and Q1 2022 Start-up regulation was open for applications from June 7, 2022 09:00 to August 2, 17:00. 

European legislation allows the Dutch government to support companies that have suffered from the COVID-19 measures, but only until 30 June 2022*. After that, we can no longer grant TVL subsidy applications. So, we must have processed all TVL applications before 30 June 2022. For several applications, this process may take longer than expected.

*This does not apply for the Q4 2021 and Q1 2022 Start-up regulation.

The Dutch government expects enterprises to conduct business responsibly, respecting people, the environment and society following international OECD guidelines and human rights treaties.

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy
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