Control Agents

Last checked on:
27 September 2022
Published on:
27 September 2023

Do you use pesticides professionally? There are rules for controlling weeds and pests. Misuse of pesticides can be harmful to humans, animals and the environment.

Pesticides are:

  • plant protection products, used on plants and crops;
  • biocides, agents against bacteria, fungi or rats.

Chemical soil disinfection

Sometimes it is necessary to disinfect soil to control plant diseases. This is how you keep agricultural and horticultural land in good condition. Are you going to chemically decontaminate the soil? Then report this chemical soil disinfection to the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA).

Use of pesticides

The Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb) assesses whether plant protection products and biocides are safe. On you can find more information on the sustainable use of these products.

Crop protection products

Do you manufacture, import or trade plant protection products? Every year you must report to us how many crop protection agents you have manufactured or supplied. You can submit your declaration digitally. Go to Reporting crop protection product sales for more information about your declaration.

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