Notice of Default

Last checked on:
20 March 2022
Published on:
4 October 2019

If the decision period for your application or objection has expired and you have not yet received a decision from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, you can issue us with notice of default. A notice of default is a type of warning to us.

Decision period

If you have submitted an application or letter of objection, we must make a decision within a set period, known as the decision period. The decision period for applications varies according to the regulation or scheme. The decision period for objections is legally set at 6 weeks after the period for objections has ended. The decision period is usually stated in the confirmation of receipt.

In certain cases we may extend or suspend the application or objection procedure. We will notify you if we do this.

How to issue us with notice of default

You can issue us with notice of default in one of 2 ways:

  • digitally - you can lodge an objection quickly and easily using our digital form (in Dutch);
  • in writing - you can send your notice of default by fax to 088-042 95 27 or by post to the following address: Netherlands Enterprise Agency, Legal Affairs department, attn. the complaints coordinator for the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, PO Box 40219, 8004 DE Zwolle, the Netherlands.

Please note: It is not possible to submit your letter of default to us by email or via our contact form.

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality
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