Patent information for students, teachers and scientists

Last checked on:
17 January 2024
Published on:
22 March 2021

Are you a student, teacher or scientist? Do you study and work on innovations, business, and market development? Then, you should know everything about patents and other intellectual property rights.

When do you protect knowledge? Who owns knowledge? How do you become the owner of new knowledge and technology? The Netherlands Patent Office helps you answer these questions with information, digital teaching materials and advice.

University students

As a university or applied sciences student, you might be interested in intellectual property rights in the Netherlands. Or you may be working on an innovative school project. We can help you to learn how to protect innovative ideas and products.

Do the e-learning on Intellectual Property. Or use our page 'Patents for small and medium-sized businesses as a starting point' to learn more about patents and other intellectual property rights.

University teachers

We offer tools and services to teachers at universities or universities of applied sciences. Our patent advisors give guest lectures on patents and other intellectual property rights. We also offer other tools to teach yourself or your students more about intellectual properties:


Scientific research makes extensive use of insight from patents. As a scientist, it is very likely that you get to deal with patents at some point in your career. You can use our page ‘Patents for small and medium-sized businesses’ as a starting point to learn more about patents and other intellectual property rights. But more important is the information on patent registers and databases and how to search in them:

If you need more information on how to apply for a patent in the Netherlands, please contact the public information office. Our patent advisors give tailored workshops and guest lectures at universities.

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs
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