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Conditions Cybersecurity Innovation Fund

Last checked on:
2 November 2023
Published on:
7 September 2023

To be eligible for the Cybersecurity Innovation Fund (CIF-NL), you will need to meet the separate conditions for SMEs, large enterprises or research organisations in addition to the general conditions. The tables on this page list the aid frameworks, subsidy rates, conditions and requirements for the subsidy application applicable to each type of organisation.

General conditions

You must at least meet the following conditions:

  • As the lead applicant, you must be an business or a research organisation that is established in the Netherlands.
  • Any co-applicants must be established in the European Union, but please note that only Dutch parties can be granted subsidies.
  • The activities are different for businesses and research organisations:
    • Research organisations can apply for subsidies for non-economic research activities which fall within the categories of fundamental research, industrial research, experimental development or a feasibility study. These activities should be carried out with a view to increasing knowledge and understanding;
    • Businesses can apply for subsidies for projects which fall within the categories of industrial research, experimental development, a feasibility study or process and organisational innovation.

The activities in the project are comparable to research and development at the research and development stages (Technology Readiness Levels) 1 to 6. 

  • The project must have a lead time of up to 6 months.
  • A condition for taking advantage of the facilities offered by the de minimis regulation (link to Dutch website) is that you do not operate in the following sectors:
    • Fishery and aquaculture;
    • Primary production of agricultural products;
    • Processing and marketing of agricultural products.
  • Also, the activities may not be directly linked to:
    • The quantities exported to other European Union Member States or third countries;
    • The establishment and operation of a distribution network linked to the export; or 
    • Other current expenditure directly linked to the export activity. 

Conditions and maximum subsidy rates for SMEs

Conditions and maximum subsidy rates for SMEs

Which aid framework/article? Which type of project? Subsidy rate Mandatory information required for application Conditions
De minimis

Industrial research;Experimental development;Feasibility study; orProcess and organisational innovation

100% Mandatory attachment to application: de minimis declaration     See below*
GBER 25** Industrial research 60% Information about the size of your business  You incur and pay your own expenditure
GBER 25** Experimental development 35% Information about the size of your business You incur and pay your own expenditure
GBER 25** Feasibility study 60% Information about the size of your business  You incur and pay your own expenditure
GBER 29** Process and organisational innovation 50% Information about the size of your business  No specific additional conditions other than the general conditions


Conditions and maximum subsidy rates for large enterprises

Conditions and maximum subsidy rates for large enterprises

Which aid framework/article? Which type of project? Subsidy rate Mandatory information required for application Conditions
De minimis Industrial research;Experimental development;Feasibility study; orProcess and organisational innovation 100% Must be attached to your application: de minimis declaration See below*
GBER 25** Industrial research 50% Not applicable No specific additional conditions other than the general conditions
GBER 25** Experimental development 25% Not applicable No specific additional conditions other than the general conditions
GBER 25** Feasibility study 50% Not applicable No specific additional conditions other than the general conditions
GBER 29** Process and organisational innovation 15% Not applicable The large enterprise carries out project activities in effective collaboration with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which together bear at least 30% of the total eligible costs


Conditions and maximum subsidy rate for research organisations

Conditions and maximum subsidy rate for research organisations

Which aid framework/article? Which type of project? Subsidy rate Mandatory information required for application Conditions
Not applicable

Fundamental research;

Industrial research;

Experimental development; or 

Feasibility study

100% In case of collaborative venture: a cooperation agreement

This concerns exclusively non-economic activities that are also recorded as such in the organisation’s accounts;


In the case of a cooperation agreement, please send with your application a cooperation agreement setting out the additional obligations.


* In the sectors 1. fishery and aquaculture, 2. primary production of agricultural products; or 3. processing and marketing of agricultural products, activities are not permitted where they are directly linked to: 
a. the quantities exported to other European Union Member States or third countries; 
b. the establishment and operation of a distribution network linked to the export; or 
c. other current expenditure directly linked to the export activity.

** Glossary of terms used in the conditions and CIF-NL subsidy rates

Below, you will find the glossary of terms used in the conditions and CIF-NL subsidy rates.

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy
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