Temporarily closed for application

Cybersecurity Innovation Fund - CIF-NL

Last checked on:
15 April 2024
Published on:
4 September 2023

The Netherlands is rapidly digitising. This means that cybersecurity is of great importance. The Cybersecurity Innovation Fund (CIF-NL) aims to boost cybersecurity innovation. You can apply for a subsidy from this fund to support the development of cybersecurity solutions.

Budget and application period

Start date:
Monday 2 October 2023
09:00 (CEST)
End date:
Thursday 2 November 2023
17:00 (CET)
Minimum of € 25,000 and maximum of € 75,000
Total budget:
€ 930,000

Target audience

The CIF-NL scheme was opened in 2023 to companies and research organisations based in the Netherlands. Through their cybersecurity innovation projects, all these organisations contribute to one or more of the following subareas:

4 Subareas

These subareas formed an essential part of the assessment of the applications.


Read the conditions for CIF-NL and find out if you innovation project is eligible.

Projects granted 2023

In 2023, 14 projects received grants. The projects are currently being implemented and will be completed in 2024.

Following your application

If you are granted a subsidy, your project will start as soon as possible after the grant decision and no later than 1 February 2024. You have to complete your project within 6 months, but no later than 1 August 2024. On completion of the cybersecurity innovation project, and as part of the subsidy granting procedure, you will submit a report describing the results of the project and how your project has contributed to the goals and themes.

Use the format 'Format eindrapport CIF-NL' (in Dutch) for this purpose. Submit this as an attachment to your request for subsidy determination.

Laws and regulations

Read the full text about the scheme in the Government Gazette (in Dutch).


CIF-NL is coordinated by NEXIS (the Dutch hub for cybersecurity innovation) and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency. If you have any questions about the subsidy programme, please contact us by sending an e-mail to: info@ncc-nexis.nl

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs
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