Are you an innovative SME entrepreneur working on high-tech Research & Development? Do you work with international partners, or are you planning to do so in the future? Then the Eurostars programme could be a tool for your next project. Eurostars funding contributes to the faster development and growth of your small business.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy allocates € 22 million yearly, divided over 2 calls per year.
International funding
If you want to receive international Eurostars funding, your project and consortium need to meet the following criteria:
- An innovative SME from a participating country leads the project consortium. Please check the Eureka website for an overview of all Eurostars countries.
- The project consortium exists of at least 2 organisations that are independent of one another.
- The project consortium exists of organisations from at least 2 Eurostars countries with a minimum of 1 organisation from a Eureka full member or partner country.
- The SME budget from the participating countries is 50% or more of the total project cost. This does not include subcontracting.
- No single participant or country handles more than 70% of the project's budget.
- The project duration is 36 months or less.
- The project has an exclusive focus on civil applications.
National funding criterium
Universities and research institutes can only apply for funding if a Dutch company participates in the consortium.
Funding rates
The funding rates for Eurostars projects are:
- SME: 50%
- Large company: 40%
- University/research institute: 50%
The maximum subsidy is € 500,000 per project for the Dutch project share. Only project costs directly related to Research & Development are eligible for Eurostars funding. Read more about the funding rules (in Dutch) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy.
International calls
8th international call
The 8th call of the Eurostars-3 program opens on 10 January 2025 and closes on 13 March 2025, 14:00 CET.
The following countries have indicated to not have funding available:
- United Kingdom
- Switzerland
- Greece
- South Korea
- Italy (Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy (MIMIT)*
Partners from these countries can only participate on the basis of self-funding.
* There is funding available for Italian organizations through the Ministry for Universities and Research (MUR). Contact the Italian National Funding Body via the contactform on the Eureka-website for more information.
Learn more and submit your application via the Eureka website
How to apply
A Eurostars application consists of 2 parts. Your proposal has to be approved internationally before you can request national funding.
Application procedure
- The project and consortium meet all the international and national criteria mentioned above.
- You register on the Eureka Project Management Platform and apply as a consortium. Read more about the required documents for a complete application.
- Three experts will rate your project. Then an independent evaluation panel will draft a ranking list of all proposals. Read more about the international evaluation process on the website of the Eureka network.
- Does your application rank high enough on the ranking list? And are all applicants in the consortium eligible for funding? If so, we will invite you to submit a national application. The call for a national application will be open for about 4 weeks.
National application
The national application period for the 7th international Eurostars call has closed. You cannot submit a national application at this moment.
When the national application period is open, you can submit your application digitally or by post. If you want to apply digitally log in with eHerkenning. For your application, you need at least level 3 with authorisation for Netherlands Enterprise Agency services at level eH3.
Read more about the national application process and download the attachments you need for your application (information in Dutch).
Points of attention
The following aspects need extra attention when you apply for Eurostars funding:
- The conditions for granting and the subsidy amount differ per participating Eurostars country. We strongly advise your partners from other countries to contact their national funding institutes to discuss the conditions that apply to them. You can find the contact information on the Eureka website under 'Contact your national funding body'.
- Proposals the evaluation panel finds eligible for funding do not automatically receive national funding. This allocation depends on the position of the project on the ranking list and the available budget per country.
- National Eurostars funding can only be applied for R&D-related costs. For example, marketing and management costs are not eligible for funding.
Team IRIS can help you
International collaboration can be challenging. Do you want to apply for Eurostars funding but have some questions on your project idea or the procedure? Please contact one of our advisors (in Dutch only) in your technological area, or submit your project idea to us via
Eurostars in practice
[music] Are you an innovative SME interested in R&D collaboration with international partners? Then the Eurostars funding program might be interesting to look into. During our event in ARTIS Amsterdam we asked several stakeholders why Eurostars is relevant for them. I think Eurostars is an interesting funding program because it allows SMEs to innovate, but also to collaborate internationally with partners coming from the 37 countries where Eurostars funding is available. So we are very happy with receiving this Eurostars grant because this will allow us as ExoVectory to create an ultimate proof of concept package for our technology, which is a delivery system to better deliver, gene therapy like CRISPR-Cas, using our exosome technology. At Augmedit we develop augmented reality software for surgeons by transforming 2D scans into 3D holograms. And thanks to Eurostars and later the EIC accelerator, we are able to continue our mission to accelerate insights for surgeons. So they can see what they treat and treat what they see. We invest in early stage technologies that can have a massive impact and rapidly scale. Eurostars projects offer this, and have validated positive market feedback, internationalization potential and a financial position to grow.

What makes Eurostars so interesting? In the video 'Eurostars ready for take off' you can view the perspectives of different stakeholders: the Eureka network, entrepreneurs and an investor.
Eurostars is een financieringsprogramma dat
internationale samenwerking ondersteunt...
tussen innovatieve mkb's
om sneller te ontwikkelen en te groeien.
The Waste Transformers hebben
met succes deze steun aangevraagd.
Hierdoor kunnen ze hun innovatieve
oplossing voor groenafval verbeteren.
Voedselafval is een enorm
internationaal probleem.
Jaarlijks gaat een derde
van al het voedselafval verloren.
Wij hebben een technologie ontwikkeld
genaamd de Waste Transformer:
een anaerobe vergister die in
scheepscontainers wordt gebouwd.
Ze worden geplaatst op plekken
waar voedselafval ontstaat.
Het voedselafval wordt omgezet
in biogas of elektriciteit en warmte...
en in voedingsstoffen genaamd digestaat,
een natuurlijke meststof.
Voor het Eurostars-project
hebben we een totaaloplossing...
voor voedselafval
en lokale voedselproductie.
We ontwikkelen een Waste Transformer...
die als ingangspunt kan dienen
voor andere stadsboerderijen.
Ze kunnen aansluiten
op onze Waste Transformer...
en de energie en voedingsstoffen gebruiken
die uit het voedselafval worden gegenereerd.
De waarde van dit Eurostars-project...
is dat we met onverwachte
internationale partners samenwerken...
waarbij we niet alleen waarde creëren
voor onszelf...
maar voor alle betrokken partijen.
Het is dus een soort 1 + 1 = 3.
Voor ons is dit een echt O&O-project...
om iets te bereiken
dat nooit eerder is gedaan.
We proberen het systeem
zo efficiënt te maken...
dat boerderijen aangedreven
kunnen worden door de energie...
en voedingsstoffen uit voedselafval.
Wat betreft input kunnen we
die voedingsstoffen gebruiken...
voor het kweken van verse groenten...
en kunnen we deze oplossing inzetten
in alle stedelijke omgevingen ter wereld.
Dat is ons doel.

The Waste Transformers, an innovative SME from the Netherlands, has received Eurostars funding to support their innovative solution for organic waste. Find out what they do and how Eurostars contributes to reach their goals.
- Watch the video The Eurostars project of the Waste Transformers.
- See which entrepreneurs have gone before you in the Eurostars case studies (in Dutch only).
- At ‘follow innovation’ (in Dutch only), you can see which companies have received financial support through the Eurostars programme.
- You can find all Eurostars projects in the Eureka database.
Eurostars legislation follows the Dutch regulation national subsidies from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (in Dutch only).
Eurostars background
Eurostars is a European innovation programme, a Eureka network and European Commission initiative. Eurostars provides financial support for projects through national funding of each participating country. The funding amount depends on project activities, the type of partner organisation and the country in which they are established.
Eurostars helps (small) companies to install market-oriented technological development. This development can be in any sector. Eurostars aims to shorten the time-to-market of new technologies and reduce technical risks. Small companies can thereby increase their development and growth rate. Under certain conditions, other organisations can also take part in Eurostars projects.
European Partnership
Eurostars is part of the European Partnership on Innovative SMEs. The partnership is co-funded by the European Union through Horizon Europe.
- Ministry of Economic Affairs