Open for application

Innovation Credit

Last checked on:
3 March 2025
Published on:
12 November 2019

Are you working on the technological development of a new product, process or service? Or the clinical development of a new drug or device? Take advantage of the Innovation Credit. The Innovation Credit is intended for the development of innovative development projects with considerable technological risks and an excellent market perspective.

Amount of subsidy and application period

Start date:
Wednesday 1 January 2025
End date:
Wednesday 31 December 2025
Budget allocation
€ 10 million for clinical development projects, € 10 million for technical development projects, €30 million for clinical ánd technical development projects
Total budget:
€ 50,000,000

Technical or clinical project

For the Innovation Credit, we distinguish technical and clinical projects. Characteristic of clinical development projects is that the products or processes to be developed, or parts thereof, have to be clinically tested in humans before introduction on the market. This comes with an extra risk, because it can be difficult to predict in advance whether the clinical testing can be completed successfully.

How much subsidy will you get?

The credit percentage varies from one application to another. It depends on the size of your company and whether you carry out the project in a possible partnership. In most cases, the Innovation Credit finances a maximum of 45% of the project. The rest of the funding must come from your resources.

Maximum credit percentages
Size of the enterprise Credit percentage
without collaboration
Credit percentage
with collaboration
Small 45% 50%
Medium 35% 50%
Large 25% 40%

Quick Scan

With the Quick Scan, you submit your plan or project idea to us and receive no-obligation advice. You are, therefore, not bound by any further obligations. After filling in the form, a financing adviser will contact you within 2 working days. You will then discuss your project and the possible next steps.


We do not approve every application for Innovation Credit. Your project has to meet certain criteria.

  • For example, you can only apply for Innovation Credit for one specific development programme. Software, IT and AI projects are also included.
  • You have to demonstrate that, within this development programme, there is a systematic reduction of the technical or clinical risks.
  • You will also substantiate your own share of the funding with signed term sheets or contracts, including a buffer for setbacks and delays.

Read all the conditions for Innovation Credit

Preparing your application

Prepare your application properly:

  1. Do the Quick Scan
  2. Read more about the application process.
  3. Read what attachments you need with your application.


You can apply for Innovation Credit all year round. The application form is in Dutch. Your attachments may be in English. It is important that you complete the application for the Innovation Credit in full, as we process applications in order of completeness.

You will need to log in using eHerkenning (eRecognition). For your application, you need at least Level 2+ with Netherlands Enterprise Agency services authorisation at Level eH2+.

Apply for Innovation Credit

The Innovation Credit is for a project, so applying for an innovation credit for several projects within your company is possible.

After your application

Following your application, we always plan an intake with you and one of our advisers. Next, we and an external advisory committee will assess your application. Has your application process been successful? Then you need to inform us of your progress during the project period. You can still adjust your plans during this period. Or you may submit an application for an additional amount in the event of setbacks or delays. At the end of project we will jointly determine the subsidy amount and a repayment schedule. In the event that your project is not successful, we may be able to temporarily or fully suspend repayments of the approved credit amount.

Read more about the process following your application

Would you like to know more?

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs
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