Foreign Market Databases

Last checked on:
11 March 2024
Published on:
26 September 2019

Are you interested in new business opportunities abroad, but do you not know where to start? Or would you like to know more about the economic climate or promising sectors in a specific country? The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) is happy to help you. You can also use various public databases to search for useful information.

Worldwide: ITC Market Analysis Tools

The Market Analysis Tools from the International Trade Centre (ITC) offer a wide range of information on foreign markets. These tools are free to use for all European entrepreneurs.

Registering on the Market Analysis Tools Portal will give you access to the databases below. You can research which country is suitable to export your product to. Also, you can gain insights into trade figures, business partners, investment opportunities and requirements for entering a particular market.

Market Analysis Tools

Tools Description
Export Potential Map Uses mathematical models to predict which markets offer the best export opportunities for your product.
Trade Map Provides insights into trade figures at the product level (both import and export) and the option to compare countries. You can also determine which importers will import your product.
Market Access Map Shows the requirements you need to meet to access a particular market for your product. You will find information about import tariffs, trade measures and necessary documents and procedures. You can also compare countries.
Rules of Origin Facilitator Indicates which rules of origin apply when you want to use preferential rates. It also shows you how to get a certificate of origin.
Investment Map Offers information and statistics about Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) for around 115 countries.
Procurement Map Provides information on public procurement and contract awards.
Market Price Information Offers insights into recent market prices for agricultural products.

The ITC website provides a detailed manual for using these tools.

Outside EU: Access2Markets

Access2Markets is a comprehensive source for information about rules, rates and requirements for export to countries outside the European Union (EU). You can use this database for free. It has all the information you need on exporting your product or service based on a specific commodity code.

Access2Markets provides information about:

  • rates and taxes
  • customs procedures
  • rules of origin
  • trade barriers
  • product regulations
  • statistics.

Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (CBI)

The Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries (CBI) offers information about various sectors in the European Union. CBI supports the transition to inclusive and sustainable economies in developing countries. It focuses on stimulating the import of sustainable goods. Besides providing market information per country, CBI also publishes EU regulations. Reports about various sectors are also available. These include:

  • agricultural and food industry
  • consumer goods (clothing and home textiles)
  • services (tourism and outsourcing).
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