Notice of Objection

Published on:
11 September 2023

If you do not agree with our decision, you can submit a notice of objection. You must do so within 6 weeks after the date of our letter.

There are two ways to file a notice of objection:

Digital notice of objection

  • Go to eLoket and log in with your account (third option).
  • In eLoket, choose the option 'bezwaarformulier' (notice of objection).

Written notice of objection

Send your written notice of objection to:

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency
Attn. Legal Affairs / Juridische Zaken
PO Box 40219
8004 DE Zwolle
The Netherlands

Please, write 'Bezwaarschrift' or 'Notice of Objection' on the envelope and letter.

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature
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