About the Crystal Prize

Last checked on:
13 March 2023
Published on:
20 October 2022

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy awards the Crystal Prize in conjunction with the Netherlands Institute of Chartered Accountants (NBA). This prize is awarded to the company that has the best CSR reporting in view of the Transparency Benchmark.

The Crystal Prize aims to be the main prize and incentive for CSR reporting and for increasing the professionalism of the quality as well as the transparency of CSR reporting within the Netherlands.

Crystal Prize

The Crystal Prize is an annual prize. In the odd years, years with the Transparency Benchmark, the Panel of Experts assesses the Top 20 of the regular benchmark surveys. The Panel then nominates a Top 3 for the Crystal Jury. The Crystal Jury selects the winner of the Crystal Prize from the Top 3.

In the odd years there are also prizes for most innovative report, fastest climber and best group report.

In short, the process will take place as follows:

  • Selection Top 20, based on the Transparency Benchmark survey
  • Panel of Experts assesses Top 20, focusing on the quality-oriented criteria
  • The Panel nominates the Top 3
  • The Crystal Jury chooses the winner of the Crystal Prize from the Top 3, using the jury theme as a guideline

In even years, without a Transparency Benchmark, the Crystal Prize is a jury prize. There is a selection of the most transparent examples on a specific theme. The aim is to encourage organizations to pay more attention to certain topics and to improve reporting on them. Other companies can learn from and be inspired by these best practices.

In short, the process will take place as follows:

The Crystal Prize is a joint initiative by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and the Netherlands Institute of Chartered Accountants (NBA).

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs
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