Crystal Prize Panel of Experts and Jury

Last checked on:
10 March 2023
Published on:
20 October 2022

The panel monitors the quality of the assessment and deals with any objection of the companies.

The panel assesses the top 20 of the Transparency Benchmark: the highest scoring reports plus additional reports. The panel evaluates the quality based criteria (relevance, clarity, reliability, involvement of stakeholders and contextual coherence) and sets the scores based on its own set of criteria up or down at a maximum of 15 percent. The top 3 is presented by the panel to the jury. The panel also appoints ‘good practices’, the most communicative and most innovative annual report, the best SME and the sector winners. Each year the panel recommends for a possible revision of the assessment criteria.

The panel of experts consists of the following members:

  • Chairmen: dhr. Giuseppe van der Helm;
  • Member on behalf of expert Science: Dhr. René Orij;
  • mrs. Charlotte Linnebank;
  • mr. Marhijn Visser;
  • mr. Paul Hurks;
  • mr. Jos Reinhoudt
  • mr. Gerhard Schuil 


The jury will choose a winner from the 3 nominated reports and give an explanation in the jury report. The criterion on the basis of which the jury awards scores is the degree to which learning effect of (new-/ media-) publications around the company or branch in the past year are expressed in the choice of the industry specific performance indicators for the coming year. Further, the jury formalizes the honorable statements and determines the theme for the theme price of coming year.

The jury which assesses the top 3 of the Transparency Benchmark and chooses the winner of the Crystal Price consists from the following members:

  • Chair: Monika R. Milz
  • Member: Martin Hoogendoorn
  • Member: Petri Hofstée
Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs
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