NEXIS: European cybersecurity calls

Last checked on:
18 June 2024
Published on:
19 December 2023

Are you looking for financial support for the development of cybersecurity solutions? On this page, you will find an overview of European cybersecurity funding calls from the Digital Europe Programme and Horizon Europe Programme from the European Union. 

European calls Horizon Europe - cluster 3

The calls below will be open for application from 27 June 2024.

European calls Horizon Europe - cluster 4

There are currently no calls open under Horizon Europe cluster 4.

European calls Horizon Europe - cluster 5

The call below will be open for application from 7 May 2024.

European calls Digital Europe

The calls below will be open for application from 4 July 2024.

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Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy
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