Patent attorney

Last checked on:
28 July 2022
Published on:
19 March 2021

Sometimes it is not easy to protect your invention by means of a patent. The invention must be described very precisely in the patent application, which is difficult in the case of complex inventions. Patent attorneys will assist you when applying for a patent.

In Europe

Sometimes it is not easy to protect your invention by means of a patent. The invention must be described very precisely in the patent application, which is difficult in the case of complex inventions. Patent attorneys can assist you when applying for a patent.

Patent attorneys are technical experts who have been educated and trained in describing your invention in words in as favourable terms as possible. They are usually also responsible for supervising the grant procedure and take care of any correspondence with our office or the European Patent Office on your behalf. The patent attorneys must be registered in the official Register of Patent Attorneys that our office maintains. You may find the addresses of patent attorneys through the Dutch Institute of Patent Attorneys.

Costs of a patent attorney

The costs of expert assistance by patent attorneys can mount up as they charge an hourly rate (comparable to lawyers). It is therefore important to prepare your visit to a patent attorney's office thoroughly.

First and foremost, you must have a properly developed idea. Before your first visit it is preferable to have found a number of patent publications in the patent databases that approach your invention. It would be a good idea to take these publications along with you, as this will save the patent attorney some work and keeps costs down.

In the Netherlands

Patent attorneys are technical experts who have been educated and trained in describing your invention in words in as favourable terms as possible. They are usually also responsible for supervising the grant procedure and take care of any correspondence with our office or the European Patent Office on your behalf.

The patent attorneys must be registered in the official Register of Patent Attorneys that our office maintains. You may find the addresses of patent attorneys through the Dutch Institute of Patent Attorneys.

Costs of a patent attorney

The costs of expert assistance by patent attorneys can mount up as they charge an hourly rate (comparable to lawyers). It is therefore important to prepare your visit to a patent attorney’s office thoroughly.

First and foremost, you must have a properly developed idea. Before your first visit it is preferable to have found a number of patent publications in the patent databases that approach your invention. It would be a good idea to take these publications along with you, as this will save the patent attorney some work and keeps costs down.

Submitting a patent application

Article 23b of the Patents Act 1995 stipulates that we can only accept a patent application if it has been submitted by a patent attorney or a lawyer. Patent applications sent in by others (such as a ‘patent expert’) will be returned. Naturally the applicant is entirely free to submit his patent application himself to our office.


Sometimes it is not easy to protect your invention by means of a patent. The invention must be described very precisely in the patent application, which is difficult in the case of complex inventions. Patent attorneys can assist you when applying for a patent.

Patent attorneys are technical experts who have been educated and trained in describing your invention in words in as favourable terms as possible. They are usually also responsible for supervising the grant procedure and take care of any correspondence with our office or the European Patent Office on your behalf. The patent attorneys must be registered in the official Register of Patent Attorneys that our office maintains. You may find the addresses of patent attorneys through the Dutch Institute of Patent Attorneys.

Costs of patent attorneys

The costs of expert assistance by patent attorneys can mount up as they charge an hourly rate (comparable to lawyers). It is therefore important to prepare your visit to a patent attorney's office thoroughly.

First and foremost, you must have a properly developed idea. Before your first visit it is preferable to have found a number of patent publications in the patent databases that approach your invention. It would be a good idea to take these publications along with you, as this will save the patent attorney some work and keeps costs down.

Contact us

If you need more information on how to apply for a patent in the Netherlands, please contact the public information office.

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