Policy on Renewable Energy for Transport

Last checked on:
9 November 2021
Published on:
1 November 2021

The Netherlands has committed to increasing the use of renewable energy for mobility. We intend to reduce the use of fossil fuels and CO2 emissions from transport. We aim to stimulate renewable energy for transport in the Netherlands through the Energy for Transport Annual Obligation.


Energy for Transport Annual Obligation

The Energy for Transport Annual Obligation requires businesses in the Netherlands that supply fuel for transport to ensure that a part of that fuel comes from renewable energy. This applies to:

  • petrol and diesel for transport purposes, for which a permit applies, 
  • road and rail vehicles, 
  • agricultural vehicles, and 
  • recreational boats.

We will use the Energy for Transport Annual Obligation with other measures to minimise CO2 emissions from the transport sector. More measures may include boosting transport efficiency and encouraging electric mobility. Renewable (bio)fuels will be used where combustion engines are still required.

The Dutch Emissions Authority (nea) will ensure the implementation, supervision and enforcement of these regulations and legislation in the Netherlands. You can find further information on the website of the Emissions Authority.

Adjustment to the Annual Obligation 2021

The successor to the applicable European Directive for renewable energy, the RED2, was published by the European Union (EU) in December 2018. This new directive, known as the Renewable Energy Directive, outlines the frameworks for the goals of the European energy policy. The European Union has imposed this on the Member States for the period 2021 until 2030.

In the Netherlands, the government has amended Energy for Transport legislation to meet this adjusted European transport goal. See 9.7 and 9.8 of the Environmental Management Act. A tool for implementing the policy is the adjusted Energy for Transport Annual Obligation. The Dutch Climate Agreement also includes extra goals for renewable fuels for road transport and inland navigation. To achieve these goals, the government will adjust the Energy for Transport Annual Obligation on 1 January 2022.

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management handles the Directive, with support from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency.

Quality of fuels for transport

The Energy for Transport Annual Obligation includes, among other things, an obligation to reduce CO2 emissions. Under the obligation, fuel suppliers must reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fuels for transport by 6%. This obligation will continue after 2020; then, this reduction percentage becomes a yearly target. 

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy
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