Incoming Visitors' Programmes

Last checked on:
2 February 2022
Published on:
4 November 2021

The Incoming Visitors' Programmes serve incoming visits to the Netherlands on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We organise the programmes' planning, content and logistics. Also, we host the delegation during the visit. We work closely together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Dutch embassies and partners in the Netherlands in organising and developing the programmes.

Our Incoming Visitors' Programmes

Dutch embassies in designated countries can request one of the following programmes for either high potentials or influentials and journalists:

  • High potentials programme
  • Influentials programme for specific sectors or themes

Objectives and themes

The programmes aim to exchange knowledge, build networks and explore cooperation opportunities with the Netherlands. The programmes deal with various themes and sectors, including:

  • agriculture & horticulture,
  • circular economy,
  • food security,
  • human and LGBTI rights,
  • international law,
  • logistics,
  • peace & justice,
  • port development & infrastructure, and
  • water management.

High potentials programme

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency facilitate 3 programmes per year for our embassies and missions abroad. We use this programme to welcome high potentials to the Netherlands. High potentials are promising young professionals between the ages of 27 and 35. Future leaders in government, politics, business, civil society, education and science qualify for this programme.

The programme

The High potentials programme is a 10-day intensive study visit. The programme is for 8 people from different countries and offers:

  • 6 collective days with group activities
  • 2 tailor-made individual days
  • 2 days off.


The High potentials programme increases knowledge and involvement from the next generation of leaders.

Another aim is to create a worldwide network of Netherlands ambassadors.


Themes may differ each year and can include topics such as:

  • Democracy and the Law;
  • Food security;
  • Human rights;
  • Logistics;
  • Sustainable energy, and
  • Water.

The themes often have a strong diplomatic component. Participants get the opportunity to experience the Netherlands first-hand. They gain valuable insights into our country's history, culture, people and society. Participants also gain knowledge and get relevant Dutch contacts.

Dutch embassies and consulates can submit candidates in their network for this programme. For questions about this programme, please contact your Dutch embassy or consulate.

Influentials programme

This programme shows the Dutch knowledge and expertise in a specific sector or theme. It offers a realistic and detailed insight into the Netherlands’ various policy fields. The aim is to strengthen the network of our embassies and missions abroad, creating partnerships and solving global challenges together.

The programme

Each year, we organise Influentials programmes on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The size of the delegations ranges from 6 to 10 participants. As the programme is collective, it is the same for all participants. The duration depends on the theme and goals of the visit but usually lasts 3 days.

For whom?

The Influentials programme is for politicians, scientists, activists, judges, civil servants, business owners, entrepreneurs, journalists.

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