National contact point for knowledge security

Last checked on:
11 January 2022
Published on:
16 December 2021

Do you work for a knowledge institution? And do you have any questions about international collaboration? In that case the National contact point for knowledge security can help you.

The contact point for knowledge security offers help to everyone who works for or is connected to a knowledge institution. We answer questions about opportunities, risks and/or practical matters related to international collaboration.

What does the contact point for knowledge security do?

You may have questions about academic collaboration with other countries. For example:

  • Can collaborating with international partners lead to undesirable transfer of knowledge?
  • Is anyone trying to influence your academic work?
  • Can a partnership cause ethical problems? For example, when the country of your partner may misuse research results.

Does your knowledge institution have questions like these? The contact point for knowledge security provides answers to your questions. We can offer you expertise and advice to make thought-out decisions.

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency is the first point of contact. If necessary, we may coordinate your question with the ministry or ministries involved.

For whom?

You can send questions to the point of contact if you work for a knowledge institution, if your work involves international collaboration, and when you need to weigh up opportunities and (security) risks within international collaborations.

What is knowledge security?

Knowledge security means that we want to prevent undesirable transfer of (sensitive) knowledge and technology. As this may have negative implications for Dutch national security and the ability to innovate.

We also want to prevent covert influence by state actors on higher education and research. This kind of foreign interference can lead amongst others to (self-)censorship, which impairs academic freedom.

And knowledge security concerns ethical issues. These may arise when you collaborate with individuals and institutions from countries that do not respect fundamental rights. In that case, researchers from your institution may be at risk of getting involved in the development of technology that these countries can use to oppress their citizens.

Neutral towards countries

The contact point is not country-specific. You can ask questions about international collaboration with all countries.

Ask your question

You can use our contact form to send questions to the contact point.

Answer to your question

We answer questions in the order in which we receive them. We try to respond to your question within 3 working days.

We may need to coordinate your question with the ministry or ministries involved. In that case, it may take us longer to answer your question. We will let you know when this is the case.

More information


Practical sources

Examples of international rankings and indices

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ministry of Defence
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy
  • Ministry of Justice and Security
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
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