Guest Lectures at Universities

Last checked on:
17 January 2024
Published on:
24 March 2021

Our patent advisors give guest lectures in English about industrial property rights and patents. The lectures are meant for students at research universities and universities of applied sciences. Topics in the guest lectures are:

  • Basic concepts of industrial property law and patent law:
    • The conditions a patent must meet.
    • The meaning of concepts such as ‘priority date’ and ‘scope of protection’.
    • How the application procedure works.
  • The effect of national and international patent systems on scientific (or other) research.
  • Technical and market information about how you can use patent information.
  • Practical assignments linked to students research. The assignments will use the Espacenet patent database.
  • How to choose a search strategy to find relevant patent publications.

Patent education for research universities

Patent education for research universities focuses on the student. It includes 2 to 3 guest lectures, which can be linked to existing lectures about innovation or technology management, for example, how to protect technology, or IPRs to commercialise your technological innovations. Patent education is useful for students in many degree programmes, such as science, technical, medical and business programmes.

Patent education for universities of applied sciences

It is easy to link patent education to student projects at universities of applied sciences. Industrial property rights and patents also play a big role in entrepreneurship-related minors. It is important for students of technical, economic and agricultural degree programmes to know about these rights. They are also relevant for some degree programmes in health care and the arts. The emphasis will depend on the degree programme and the lecturer’s wishes. The focus might be on how to gain rights, or on using patent databases as a source of information.

Obligation of confidentiality

All our employees have a duty to confidentiality. This means that you can speak freely with them about your idea or invention.

Contact person for guest lectures

Would you like more information about attending or organising an English-spoken guest lecture? Please contact one of our account managers:

  • Maurice Mooijman, account manager for universities of applied sciences
  • Peter van Dongen, account manager for research universities

Call: +31 088 042 40 02

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs
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