SBIR tender Autonomous threat information sharing

Published on:
16 April 2024

Important information about this form:

  • With this form you can submit your tender for the SBIR-call: Autonomous threat information sharing.
  • Submit the form and all attachments on time. You can submit your tender until 29 May, 17:00 CEST 2024. 
  • Make sure attachments are correctly named. 
  • It is not possible to save your form interim. So prepare the submission of your tender well.
  • Read more about the SBIR-call Autonomous threat information sharing.


Verify in advance which attachments you will need to submit your tender. 

  • Attachment A: project plan including management summary and budget (mandatory)
  • Attachment B: businessplan (mandatory for phase 2 offer)
  • Attachment C: management summary as seperate (pdf) file (mandatory for phase 1 offer)
  • Attachment D: authorisation (only required if an intermediate submits your offer)
  • Attachment X: verify the call for any additional documents requested 

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Required fields are marked with a *

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy
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