Startup and scale-up funding

Last checked on:
10 June 2024
Published on:
27 June 2023

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) offers various types of funding useful for innovative startups that have just started their business or want to accelerate their growth in the Netherlands.

Groep mensen in gesprek in een kantoorruimte

Types of funding

Corporate financing guarantee

Are you looking for more collateral on medium to large bank loans? Check the Corporate Financing Guarantee.

Credit guarantee for SMEs

Is your bank hesitant to give you a loan? A Credit guarantee for SMEs may help.

DHI subsidy scheme

Do you want possible customers to see the potential of your technology? The subsidy scheme for demonstration projects, feasibility studies and investment preparation projects (DHI) can help you.

Dutch Good Growth Fund

Do you need support to finance your business plans in emerging markets or developing countries? The Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF) can help you.

Dutch Trade and Investment Fund

Do you want to do business abroad but need help raising sufficient funds? The Dutch Trade and Investment Fund (DTIF) helps you take the next step towards achieving your international ambitions.

Horizon Europe

The European Union also supports innovative developments. There are many support programmes. The special RVO team, Horizon Europe, can help you.

Innovation credit

Are you looking for financial support for your technical or clinical risk development project? Innovation Credit could be the scheme for you.

Seed Business Angel

Speed up your last development and prepare your commercial success with business angels organised in a fund: Seed Business Angel.

Seed Capital

Ready to start your commercial phase? Seed Capital can boost the market introduction of your technology.

Support International Business

With the Support International Business subsidy, you can finance various activities that help you take the next step in international trade.

Tax credit R&D

Are you looking for a tax reduction on your payroll tax? Check out the Tax credit for research and development (WBSO) if you have R&D activities in your company.

Proof-of-concept funding

Still in the early stage (idea phase) of development? You can use Proof-of-concept funding to determine if your idea is technologically and commercially feasible. Apply for proof-of-concept funding at RVO if your startup is based in the following provinces:

  • Groningen 
  • Friesland
  • Drenthe

If your company is in a different province in the Netherlands, please get in touch with ROM (Regional Development Agency).

Other types of funding

If you are active in app development or other non-demanding technologies, chances are support is not available or limited. Please refer to SME Financing via

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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