Matra Government to Government selects 6 projects

Published on:
18 February 2025

The Matra Government to Government programme (Matra G2G) has granted subsidies to 6 new projects. It provides subsidies for projects in countries neighbouring the European Union that strengthen the rule of law, democracy and good governance. The 6 projects were selected from 17 applications and have been granted a total of 7.5 million euros. 

Below, you will find a table summarising the selected projects. This table also includes the implementing organisation, project title and the countries where these projects take place. The projects will run until at least 2029.

Lead implementing organisation Project Title Project purpose Country
The Hague Academy for Local Governance Towards democratic local governance: Albania and the Netherlands 

To strengthen Albania’s pluralistic, democratic society by:

  • enhancing the capacities of Albanian national institutions and local governments to deliver public services transparently, accountably, and inclusively. Specifically targeting all citizens, including women and vulnerable groups;
  • fostering enhanced bilateral relations between Albania and the Netherlands.
Universiteit Twente GeoConnect: Connecting Geospatial Expertise for Responsible and Transparent Governance To build knowledge and skills for applying geospatial data within Bosnia-Herzegovina’s National Spatial Data Infrastructure to support responsible and transparent governance. Bosnia-Herzegovina
The Hague Academy for Local Governance Cross-Border Democracy and Good Governance Exchange Project (GEO CODEX) To strengthen Moldova’s democratic society and rule of law by enhancing the capacity of public institutions to implement transparent, evidence-based governance through improved geospatial data management, legal compliance with EU standards, and increased civil engagement, using Dutch expertise. Moldova
VNG International Improving Governance of Urban Planning in Türkiye (IGUP Türkiye) To improve governance of urban planning practices through strengthening the Union of Municipalities and municipalities in areas affected by the February 2023 earthquakes based on bilateral exchange of urban planning and urban design methods and tools between the Netherlands and Türkiye. Türkiye
Stichting TMC Asser instituut Advancing the rule of law in Ukraine: Strengthening the judicial system and freedom of expression

To support a stable, institutionalised approach to the rule of law by:

  • improving fairness, accessibility, and transparency of the judicial system and;
  • supporting legal actors in developing capacities to protect freedom of expression and media freedom.
Stichting Nederlands Helsinki Comité Protecting victim rights through judicial accountability  To strengthen Ukraine’s justice system by aligning victim rights mechanisms with international standards, enhancing legal protections, and improving access to justice for vulnerable groups. Ukraine

More information 

Matra G2G provides subsidies for projects that strengthen the capacity of government and semi-government institutions. It also focuses on building stronger relationships between the Netherlands and the target countries. 

The programme is closed for now. For more information about the programme, see our Matra webpage

In association with:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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