
DRIVE country list

Last checked on:
5 September 2019
Published on:
2 March 2016

See the list of DRIVE countries below.

DRIVE Country List

Least developed countries (MOLs/LDCs, DAC list of ODA recipients**) and low-income countries (LIC DAC list of ODA recipients**)

Low and middle-income countries (LMIC, OECD-DAC list of ODA recipients**)

Upper middle-income countries (UMIC, OECD-DAC List of ODA Recipients**)
Afghanistan (F) * Armenia Algeria
Angola Bolivia Colombia
Bangladesh Egypt Jordan
Benin Cape Verde Lebanon (F) *
Bhutan Côte d'Ivoire (F) * Peru
Burkina Faso Georgia South Africa
Cambodia Ghana Tunisia
Chad (F) * Guatemala  
Congo, Dem. Rep. (F) * India  
Djibouti Indonesia  
Ethiopia Kosovo (F) *  
Gambia Morocco  
Guinea Moldova  
Haiti (F) * Mongolia  
Kenya Nicaragua  
Laos Nigeria  
Liberia (F) * Pakistan  
Madagascar (F) * Palestinian Territories (F) *  
Malawi Philippines  
Mali (F) * Sri Lanka  
Mozambique Vietnam  
Myanmar (F) *    
Sao Tomé and Principe    
Sierra Leone (F) *    
Somalia (F) *    
Togo (F) *    


(F) * Fragile state. The same subsidy percentage is applicable to a fragile state as for least developed countries (LDCs) and (other) low-income countries.

** The DAC List of ODA Recipients is a Development Assistance Committee (DAC) list of all countries and territories eligible for Official Development Assistance (ODA).

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Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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