Country Comparison

Last checked on:
11 February 2021
Published on:
26 September 2019

Are you curious to see what another country or an entirely new region has to offer? Let's find out which countries best suit your international ambitions. Discover the opportunities and possible setbacks of each country you are interested in. Make an informed choice, whatever your international business plans may be.

Country comparison compares various countries as to:

  • the market and its channels for your product or service
  • professional organisations and sector associations that can help you
  • product requirements
  • export rules
  • dos and don'ts
  • subsidy and funding options.

How to apply for country comparison

In a face-to-face meeting with one of our regional experts, you will see if country comparison is a suitable option for you. If so, you can ask the regional expert to research up to four countries. Within a few weeks, you will receive an email with the results. Contact us and find out more about country comparison.

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