Energy infrastructure at sea

Last checked on:
30 July 2024
Published on:
14 May 2024

What infrastructure in the North Sea is needed for the plans for offshore wind energy after 2030? You can read this in the North Sea Energy Infrastructure Plan. The first version of this plan is expected to be ready in the first quarter of 2025.

What infrastructure is involved?

Offshore infrastructure is needed to transport the energy from new offshore wind farms to land. As the Government expects the Netherlands to convert part of the electricity generated into hydrogen after 2030, the infrastructure must also be able to transport hydrogen. That is why 'energy hubs' will be created that take this into account in the new Wind Farm Zones.

What are energy hubs?

Offshore energy hubs are nodes where the wind energy generated is collected. Cables and pipelines then transport the wind energy in the form of electricity or hydrogen to land. It is also possible to connect the hubs with other North Sea countries.

North Sea Energy Infrastructure Plan

For the new wind farm zones, we are looking at what form we can best bring the energy generated to land. For this purpose, the Government is drawing up the North Sea Energy Infrastructure Plan (Energie Infrastructuur Plan Noordzee, EIPN).

The EIPN gives you an idea of:

  • the infrastructure development required for offshore wind energy in the period 2030 to 2050;
  • the decision-making process on offshore energy infrastructure when it comes to:
    • division of roles;
    • market organisation (rules, laws and conditions for operating in this sector);
    • Government legal instruments.
  • the possible production of hydrogen offshore and scenarios for reusing existing gas infrastructure for hydrogen transport;
  • the connection between electricity infrastructure and hydrogen infrastructure, not only to the Dutch mainland, but also to (offshore energy hubs of) the North Sea countries around us.

Watch our webinars again

In 2023, we organised 2 webinars about the North Sea Energy Infrastructure Plan and  landing of offshore wind energy.

  • Watch our 9 November 2023 webinar
    In this webinar, we told you about the progress of the 2 landfall programmes: the Investigation into  Landfall Options for Offshore Wind Energy (VAWOZ) and the Offshore Wind Connection in Eemshaven (PAWOZ-Eemshaven) Programme. These programmes work on bringing the wind energy we generate offshore to land. We also presented you with the first advice from the consultancy firms for the North Sea Energy Infrastructure Plan.


On 23 February 2024, we held a workshop with a number of market parties. We discussed 2 possible ideas designs for an energy hub in the North Sea: a platform or an 'energy island'.


The first version of the North Sea Energy Infrastructure Plan will follow in the first quarter of 2025. In this first version of the plan you can read about:

  • a strategic vision on offshore energy infrastructure;
  • the possible reuse of existing natural gas pipelines;
  • the choice for platforms as the design of an offshore energy hub;
  • the future market structure;
  • the first implementation agenda of the plan. This states which energy infrastructure is needed where and when.

To further develop the plan, the Ministry of Climate Policy and Green Growth continues to hold discussions with involved parties such as TenneT, Gasunie and Energie Beheer Nederland.

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Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Climate Policy and Green Growth
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