Offshore wind energy
The Dutch North Sea has room for wind farms. In some areas wind farms are in operation. In other places, companies are allowed to build new ones. The Netherlands Enterprise Agency organises the tender procedure for new wind farm permits.
Offshore wind farms
What does offshore wind energy yield?

What does offshore wind energy yield? What are the impact and developments of offshore wind energy? How do we try to limit the negative impact as much as possible? And why are offshore wind farms indispensable for making the Netherlands more sustainable?
Offshore wind energy plans

Offshore wind energy is one of the most important pillars of climate policy. It is indispensable when it comes to achieving a climate-neutral energy supply by 2050.
Offshore wind in preparation

In the North Sea, designated areas are becoming available for new offshore wind farms. Developers can apply for a permit. Developers can also apply for a connection to the electricity network of TenneT. Upcoming tenders:
Offshore wind under construction

Offshore wind farms are built at a number of locations in the Dutch part of the North Sea. These wind farms are licensed by the Dutch Government:
Offshore wind in operation

Part of our clean energy comes from offshore wind farms in the North Sea. These wind farms supply clean energy to the Dutch energy network:
Site studies and research

We research and perform location studies in the designated wind farm zones. Offshore wind farm developers can use the certified data from these studies when they apply for a permit. Read our studies:
Applicable law

Would you like to know how Dutch legislation applies to offshore wind in the North Sea? Do you want to know what is allowed during construction, operation, and connection to the -offshore- electricity network? Read more on:

Would you like to participate in or share your views on a offshore wind farm zone in the North Sea? Or the connection to the onshore electricity network? Or would you like to submit your views on a decision? Bureau Energieprojecten supports the formal procedure.
Grow your business internationally

As a Dutch company, do you supply products and services in the field of sustainable energy? Would you like to make the most of export opportunities? Work together with the Dutch government, embassies, trade organisations, and the business community .
Innovation at the North Sea

Innovative activities such as generating sustainable wind energy take place at the North Sea. But there is room for new ideas.