Transparency Benchmark Research Group

Last checked on:
3 October 2024
Published on:
5 October 2022

The Transparency Benchmark is a bi-annually survey by the Ministry of Economic Affairs which examines the content and quality of external reporting on corporate social responsibility issues.

The benchmark is performed on a determined group including the largest companies in the Netherlands.

Research group 2021

For the composition of the research group various criteria are taken into account. Organizations that meet one or more criteria from the participant protocol become automatically part of the research group 2021 of the Transparency Benchmark. Participation of the Benchmark is therefore not voluntarily. But companies can choose to fill in the self-assessment tool or not. If you choose to not actively participate in the self-assessment, then our research team will determine your score. They check and assess the information that is publicly available in relation to the criteria of the Transparency Benchmark.

Public-interest organisations

In 2014 a new standard was added to the participant protocol: also 'public-interest organisations' of 500 employees or more are now part of the research group. The ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy follows the European Union directive regarding the disclosure of non-financial and diversity information by certain large undertakings and groups.

The exact definition of public-interest organizations can be defined in more detail per country. In the Netherlands, at this moment, the definition of the 'Wet toezicht accountantsorganisaties' (in Dutch) (the supervision law concerning audit firms) is being used. Although there is some discussion on the definition of a public-interest organization, it is certain that banks, credit agencies and insurance companies are included in this definition. In July 2019, the definition of public-interest organizations has expanded and now also includes network operators, housing corporations, science policy institutions and large pension funds. Read more about the details (in Dutch).

Dutch companies with foreign parent company

Since 2014 an exception for group reports has been in place. As of 2019, a group report where the selected  company is a subsidiary company from a foreign parent, other rules apply to you. When the international parent reports concerning the five themes from the EU-legislative proposal about non-financial information (environment, social and labor-related aspects, human rights, bribery and board diversity) and you do not want to include your Dutch social report within the Transparency Benchmark (or if your company does not publish a Dutch social report) you can take part within the so called ‘group-regulation’. For these companies a different overview will be made with a mutual benchmark. These companies do not get a score in the regular overview of the benchmark. Read more about the assessment and criteria for (international) group reports.
When you are a company that meets the exception, but also publishes a Dutch social report, you can choose to voluntarily join the Transparency Benchmark with the Dutch report.


Companies and other organizations can apply to the Ministry to voluntarily take part of the Transparency Benchmark by e-mailing to Each application will be handled individually. The point of departure is that companies with substantial activities in the Netherlands will be part of the research group of the Benchmark.

If you are considering to voluntarily take part of the benchmark, the Ministry advises you to carefully read the criteria beforehand. When part of the benchmark, the volunteering company will remain part of the research group.

Small- and medium-sized enterprises no longer part of the Benchmark

The evaluation of the Transparency Benchmark in 2013 showed that small- and medium-sized enterprises do not easily find the way to the benchmark. Also the way of working and questioning of the Transparency Benchmark do not match the needs of this target group. Therefore in 2013 it was decided that SMEs can no longer take part of the benchmark. Other policies to motivate SMEs in transparency and the sharing of best practices are still carried out.

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs
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