
Published on:
21 February 2025

The bicycle is a sustainable and healthy means of transport that increases accessibility and quality of life. We encourage the use of the bicycle nationally and internationally as an alternative to the car.

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  • Friday 1 November 2024
    This 2nd edition of the report describes the state of affairs, trends and opportunities in the Dutch bicycle sector and provides proposals to strengthen this internationally.

Projects and Activities

Opportunities for the Cargo Bike

For short journeys in areas where there is growing awareness of liveability, climate and air quality, cargo bikes offer possibilities. The brochure 'Opportunities for the Cargo Bike' provides examples of using electric cargo bikes for goods transport. You may also be eligible for tax benefits through MIA\Vamil.


Cycling for Everyone City Deal

We participate in the Cycling for Everyone City Deal. Municipalities, social partners, ministries and companies work together to give young and old access to bicycles in a safe way. In this way, the City Deal helps people who are unable to ride a bicycle. For example because of a lack of financial resources.


We are part of CycleOn. This program helps seniors to cycle safely for as long as possible. The program has activities and communication tools to work on confidence and skills.


Cabinet policy

The national government wants to get more people cycling. This is healthy for people and the environment. The activities we carry out for cycling are part of this policy.

International earning potential of the Dutch bicycle sector

More and more countries are investing in sustainable and healthy cities. The Netherlands is an example for many countries as a cycling country. This offers opportunities for our bicycle sector. The report International earning potential of the Dutch bicycle sector is published every 2 years. The report sheds light on the following elements:

  • economic size
  • social impact
  • international opportunities
  • activities

A translated version of the report was published in November 2024.

Cycling Guide 2024: a driver for positive change

This guide provides an overview of the Dutch cycling sector with all its knowledge and expertise. You will also find Dutch companies and organisations offering their services and products abroad. The cycling guide presents the Dutch industry to foreign markets.

International Business

We support Dutch companies looking to trade abroad. For example, we organise trade missions. Companies can also collaborate through a Partners for International Business Initiative (PIB). You can read more about this below.

International Clean Energy Partnership

One of our programs is the International Clean Energy Partnership (ICEP). With ICEP, the government helps Dutch entrepreneurs from the sustainable energy and mobility sector to do international business. ICEP organizes activities such as trade missions and matchmaking events to help the bicycle sector, among others.


We participate in the Alliance for Cycling and Walking towards International Vitality and Empowerment (ACTIVE). ACTIVE aims to train 10,000 active mobility experts in low and middle-income countries within 10 years. ACTIVE achieves this by organising training sessions and making more funding available for active mobility. In this way, we contribute to liveable and sustainable cities.

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Project Database

We support many projects by Dutch entrepreneurs, including those in the cycling sector. You can find them in our project database.

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