Startup Mission to Web Summit Lisbon 2024

Published on:
19 June 2024

Is your startup ready to go abroad? Do you want to do business, network with companies or attract investors? Web Summit is one of the most prominent startup and tech events in the world. Join the Netherlands Enterprise Agency’s (RVO) startup mission to Web Summit in Lisbon in November!

11 November
09:00 (CET)
14 November
18:00 (CET)

Attendee information

  • Register before 22 July 2024
  • Participation costs: €500 (excluding VAT) per company
  • Maximum of 2 participants per company
  • Language of communication is English


  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Netherlands Enterprise Agency
  • Embassy of the Netherlands in Lisbon

Web Summit 2024

Web Summit brings together over 70,000 attendees from all over the world. Here you will not only meet 2,650 other startups, but also over 1,000 investors and 2,000 journalists.

This summit offers you the chance to:

  • Discover the latest trends;
  • Get inspired by keynote speakers;
  • Participate in immersive workshops; and
  • Engage in panel discussions.

The conference focuses on internet companies, tech innovations and venture capital. Web Summit partners range from Fortune 500 companies to startups, with attendees representing all levels and sectors of the global tech industry.

For whom?

You can participate if your startup meets the following requirements:

  • Your product or service is high-tech, innovative and potentially disruptive;
  • There is a proven market acceptance for your product or service in the Dutch market;
  • You have started or are ready for international scaling;
  • Your startup is registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce.

We specifically encourage startups to apply in the following sectors:

  • A.I.;
  • DeepTech;
  • ClimateTech;
  • FinTech.

Does your startup not fit this profile, but would you still like to join this trade mission? Please explain in your application why you should be part of the Dutch delegation to Web Summit 2024.

Why take part?

The purpose of the mission is to support promising Dutch startups in their international growth. The mission offers a platform to present yourself to an international audience. It is an opportunity to get in touch with potential customers, investors, partners and other startups. Together, we want to put the Dutch startup ecosystem on the map.

The mission to Web Summit offers a great opportunity to:

  • Present your product or service to a large, international audience;
  • Validate/test your product or service;
  • Attract new customers;
  • Expand your network internationally;
  • Forge strategic partnerships with other companies;
  • Meet with potential investors;
  • Attract talent;
  • Generate media attention;
  • Gain knowledge about the European and global market and competition.

NL Lounge

The Netherlands has its own NL Lounge at Web Summit. It gives you a central base to network. Together with partners, Netherlands Enterprise Agency organises side events where you can meet potential customers, partners, investors and other startups.


We are currently organising the mission. The programme is still subject to change. The programme will approximately be as follows:

  • October 2024 (Netherlands): Preparatory meeting

Monday, 11 November

  • Welcome reception, workshop and opening night Web Summit
    Welcome reception at the residence of the Dutch ambassador in Lisbon. During the reception, various workshops will be organised. Following this, the opening night of Web Summit will take place.

Tuesday, 12 November

  • Web Summit 2024
    You will visit the Web Summit and there will be side events throughout Lisbon. The NL Lounge at Web Summit is your base for networking, meeting and possibly presenting your product or service.

Wednesday, 13 November

  • Web Summit 2024
    You will visit the Web Summit and there will be side events throughout Lisbon. The NL Lounge at Web Summit is your base for networking, meeting and possibly presenting your product or service.

Thursday, 14 November

  • Web Summit 2024
    You will visit the Web Summit and there will be side events throughout Lisbon. The NL Lounge at Web Summit is your base for networking, meeting and possibly presenting your product or service.

Registration and fees

Register for the Startup mission to Web Summit Lisbon 2024 before 22 July. Each participant must register separately. The language of the mission is English.

There is a limited amount of startups that can participate in this mission. The Netherlands Enterprise Agency finds it important that the companies that join the mission fall within the format and focus of the mission. Registration therefore does not automatically mean participation in the mission.

We also encourage women's entrepreneurship. We do not select participants on the basis of gender. But we challenge you to look for women within your organisation to take part in this mission. 


Participation in this mission costs € 500 excluding VAT per company. Only 2 participants per company can take part. This fee will give you the following:

  • Access pass for unlimited access to Web Summit for 2 participants;
  • Participation in the preparation meeting;
  • The possibility to use the NL Lounge as a meeting point at Web Summit;
  • Participation in all mission side events and networking activities;
  • Opportunity to sign contracts or MoUs in the presence of the delegation leadership;
  • Local support by the Dutch Embassy and Netherlands Enterprise Agency.

Travel and accommodation

Travel and accommodation are at your own expense. This also applies to meals and drinks, unless stated otherwise in the programme.

After being selected, you will receive general information about the mission. This will include details of the hotel where the delegation leaders are staying. It is not compulsory to book overnight stays at the same hotel. But, participants of previous missions have indicated that staying together in one hotel was helpful.


The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) organises the mission on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Corporate Social Responsibility

The Dutch government places importance on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and endorses the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. These state the CSR standards for internationally active entrepreneurs. Following the OECD guidelines is one of the conditions for participation in this mission.

More information

For more information about this mission, please contact:

Maarten Schweers, Project Leader Web Summit 2024
Netherlands Enterprise Agency
Phone: +31 6 2551 56 75

Rik Roeske, Project Leader Web Summit 2024
Netherlands Enterprise Agency
Phone: + 31 6 2551 67 14

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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