Closed for application

Ghana WASH Window - GWW

Last checked on:
28 May 2021
Published on:
29 November 2013

Ghana WASH Window (GWW) supports public-private projects in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and integrated water management in Ghana. GWW is closed; you can no longer apply for a subsidy. You can still submit documents for ongoing projects (see project management). On this page, you will find inspiration for possible water projects.

Consult our advisors

Do you have an idea for a water project? Consult our advisors; they are happy to help you and offer advice. Send an email to our advisors with your ideas.

Project management

The subsidy award determines the results the project partners need to achieve. Every year, the project's lead organisation has to report on the progress. We will pay the subsidy contribution in predetermined instalments. All payments are advance payments. Read more about reporting:

Projects overview

On GWW projects, you will find more inspiration.

On our Development Cooperation Projects database, you will find an overview of projects that we carry out in development cooperation. You can filter by location, sector and programme, among others.

Ghana WASH Window in practice

Watch the video to see the impact of doing business in a public-private partnership (PPP) in a country like Ghana.

Clean water and sustainable energy in Ghana


GWW projects aim to improve:

  • Sanitation and hygiene;
  • Waste management (liquid and solid waste); and
  • Access to and consumption of safe drinking water.

GWW contributes to the following SDGs:

  • SDG 6: clean water and sanitation;
  • SDG 17: partnership for the goals.

To reach these goals, we must work together. So, GWW works in PPPs between governments, NGOs, businesses and knowledge institutes.


External documents


Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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