Open for application

Innovation Credit: Application process

Last checked on:
3 March 2025
Published on:
16 February 2023

You want to apply for credit for the development of a promising and challenging innovation with an excellent market perspective. Read more about the application process.

Preparing your application

Prepare well for your Innovation Credit application. Read the conditions for Innovation Credit, and complete the Quick Scan without obligation.

Attachments to your application

You must include the following attachments in your application: 

  1. business plan;
  2. project plan;
  3. financing plan;
  4. documentary evidence of other financing of the project and the company during the project period;
  5. latest financial statements (or opening balance sheet) and financial report for the current fiscal year.
  6. an SME assessment (in Dutch) to determine the size of your business. The credit percentage you are eligible for is based on the SME assessment.
  7. legal organisational structure of the entire company;
  8. extract from the Chamber of Commerce of both the entity applying for the Innovation Credit and the entities in the direct administrative line upwards;
  9. Articles of Association of both the entity applying for the Innovation Credit and the entities in the direct administrative line upwards;
  10. copy of the identification of both the director(s) and the contact person of your organisation.

Please read the explanation and focus points of these attachments carefully.


You can apply for Innovation Credit year round. The application form is in Dutch. Your attachments may be in English. It is very important that you complete the application for the Innovation Credit in full, as we process applications in order of completeness. Below, you read more about and the attachments you need to complete to submit a full application.

You will need to log in using eHerkenning (eRecognition). For your application, you need at least Level 2+ with Netherlands Enterprise Agency services authorisation at Level eH2+.

Practice corporate social responsibility

In the production and services of your company, please consider the consequences for humans, the environment and society. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not only good for the world but also for your company. We would like you to include the subject of CSR in the business plan for your application. We encourage all organisations to practice corporate social responsibility. Would you like to know more? Visit our CSR page or contact one of our advisers.

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs
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