Sectoral Cooperation IMVO

Last checked on:
29 October 2024
Published on:
27 September 2023

Pillar 1 is temporarily closed for applications.

Are you an entrepreneur based in the Netherlands and want to make your value chain more sustainable? By entering into cooperation with companies and organisations within your sector, you tackle risks together. The subsidy scheme Sectoral Cooperation international MVO supports you in this.

There are 2 types of support possible with the subsidy scheme Sectoral Cooperation international MVO:

Maatschappelijke organisaties in convenanten (Pijler 2)

Sectoral partnerships - Pillar 1

Temporarily closed for applications.

Pillar 1 helps companies and civil society organisations based in the Netherlands. Together with other companies from your sector, you tackle risks in a value chain more easily. Think of risks within human rights, labour and the environment.

Companies and CSOs join forces and jointly implement one or more of the 6 steps of the due diligence process (in Dutch). In this way, they make their value chain(s) sustainable. A cooperation within your sector also makes it easier to share knowledge among each other and do business according to the OECD guidelines.

Sectorale samenwerkingsverbanden (Pijler 1)

Sectoral partnerships IMVO - Pillar 2

Pillar 2 is a follow-up to Pillar 2 of the Corporate Responsibility Fund (FVO). It gives civil society organisations the opportunity to finance their activities within still ongoing international MVO covenants. This will allow them to continue these activities until 31 December 2025.

The Dutch government has concluded international MVO covenants with Dutch business sectors and civil society organisations. These contain agreements on corporate social responsibility in their value chain.

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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