Energy and climate reports

Last checked on:
25 July 2024
Published on:
11 December 2018

The Netherlands is obligated to periodically report on climate and energy matters in compliance with international agreements. This involves a variety of reports such as historical greenhouse gas emissions, policies and measures, climate financing, projections and energy savings.

The energy and climate reports in this section are in accordance with:

  • UNFCCC (Paris Agreement)
  • EU (Regulation on the Governance  of the Energy Union)

The reporting requirements do not only focus on the content, but also on the national arrangements that are in place to ensure the quality of the information used in these reports.

National Inventory Entity (NIE)

In accordance with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), we have been appointed as National Inventory Entity (NIE).

That means we are responsible for:

  • the national system and quality aspects of the greenhouse gas inventory (historical emissions);
  • coordination of the national climate and energy reports in accordance with the Regulation on the Governance of the Energy Union. It also establishes new monitoring and reporting where necessary;
  • the list of fuels with emission factors and heating values, including for natural gas;
  • supporting of international reviews;
  • maintaining a network of collaboration for data and reports (national and international);
  • supporting the Ministry of Climate Policy and Green Growth (formerly Economic Affairs and Climate Policy) as a member of the delegation to the climate negotiations, such as the yearly COP, and the EU committees for the EED and the Energy Union.
  • participation in EU committees for the Climate Change Committee, the Energy Efficiency Directive and the Energy Union.

 The list of fuels of the year 2024 can be accessed through the following download:

Distinction between UNFCCC and EU

This website provides more information on the national reports, methodology descriptions and accounting of greenhouse gas emissions in the context of UNFCCC and EU reporting obligations. This site is structured in such a way that there is a clear distinction between the UNFCCC and EU activities and reports. The greenhouse gas inventory report is delivered both to the UNFCCC as well as the EU.

Reports to the UNFCCC

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) sets out the basic legal framework and principles for international climate change cooperation with the aim of stabilising atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases. The UNFCCC secretariat serves to advance the implementation of the Convention and the Paris Agreement. National reports to the UNFCCC include greenhouse gas inventory reports, as well as reports on national climate policies (on mitigation, adaptation, financial support etc.) and progress in achieving climate targets.

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Reports to the EU

The governance mechanism of the Energy Union is based on integrated national energy and climate plans (NECPs) covering ten-year periods with the first running from 2021 to 2030. These NECPs are established in order to meet energy and climate goals and to report on the progress of these targets. It aggregates EU and national long-term strategies, reporting, monitoring and data publication.

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Climate change and climate change conventions

Greenhouse gas emissions

The National Inventory Reports provide information on the emissions in the Netherlands. Other databases with information on greenhouse gas emissions:

Involved organisations

The monitoring of greenhouse gases is carried out in co-operation with various organisations:

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Climate Policy and Green Growth
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