Supporting the Startup Ecosystem

Published on:
19 May 2022
Last checked on:
16 September 2022

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and its partners strengthen the startup ecosystem in different ways. 
Through exclusive programmes and by working together with other organisations RVO aims to serve the startup community to its fullest.

One Single Hub

The One Single Hub scheme (in Dutch) focuses on partnerships of organisations such as incubators and accelerators within the Dutch ecosystem that aim to improve facilities for innovative entrepreneurship. These include private organisations as well as public institutions such as regional development agencies, independent research organisations (valorisation centres and knowledge campuses) and universities. Municipalities and provinces can be involved as partners or co-financers, but do not receive any funding themselves.


FastLane is an exclusive programme that supports high potential startups and scale-ups. They receive intensive support that serves their specific needs. RVO selects these startups. It is not possible to apply for the programme.

Our start-up partner organisations

Techleap  NL Works ROM's  Startup in Residence 
supporting fast growing tech start-ups public-private partnerships regional public-private partnerships public-private partnerships


Our scale-up partner organisations

Invest NL ScaleNL Invest International Trade and Innovate NL
financing sustainable and innovative scale-ups fast track to the United States for tech entrepreneurs financing and supporting sustainable projects Connects Dutch entrepreneurs with each other and with  partners abroad


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