Sustainable and responsible international value chains

Last checked on:
7 August 2024
Published on:
8 March 2021

Problems in international value chains, such as child labour and poor working conditions, are often complicated. This is especially the case in developing countries. Dutch companies are often a single link in the chain. But, by working well with local suppliers, they can still contribute to sustainable and responsible international value chains. Do you want to ensure sustainable and responsible value chains in developing countries? Learn more about how we can support you.

Tackling value chain problems together

Currently, during the production of food and goods worldwide, problems still occur. These include human rights violations, such as child labour, environmental pollution and large-scale deforestation. These have negative consequences for people, the environment and society.

The Netherlands is committed to making production chains more sustainable. We encourage companies to investigate and address human and environmental risks in their international value chains. Together with partners, the goal is to make value chains in combination countries more sustainable. Responsible Business Conduct (RBC), innovation and market transformation are important elements in achieving this.

What does the Netherlands Enterprise Agency do?

We contribute to sustainable and responsible value chains through subsidies and programmes such as:

  • Subsidy Programme for Responsible Business (SPVO)
  • Sectoral Partnerships Pillar 1
  • European Partnership for Responsible Minerals (EPRM)
  • Fund against Child Labour (FBK)
  • Fund for Responsible Business (FVO)

These programmes focus on combating child labour, making chains more sustainable, improving working conditions (such as a living wage), RBC, due diligence and responsible mining, among other things.
We support projects and partnerships that want to:

  • Investigate and address problems in their international chains;
  • Improve local working conditions;
  • Apply RBC and due diligence practices;
  • Ensure responsibly produced minerals in conflict areas.

How can we support you?

Is your business based in the Netherlands, or do you represent an NGO or knowledge institute? And do you want to contribute to making international value chains more sustainable and responsible?

What have our projects achieved?

Here are a few highlights of what our projects achieved in 2023:

For background information on our projects, visit our project database. For more information on our lessons learnt, see our:

Sustainable and responsible value chain projects in practice

Watch our videos on projects in Uganda and Egypt.

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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